So...what was I shooting?


New member
Here's a mess o' parts from my cleaning session after my last range trip. Two of the firearms would require a guess to get exactly the right answer so just the generic type will do. What was I shooting?

I see a barrel bushing and magazine from a 1911...and what looks like a magazine from a Beretta M9/92. That's all that I feel confident about....


New member
Reminds me of when I was rebuilding a 1970 Stage1 455 with all the goodies, the clowns at the garage seeded my parts boxes with extra nuts and bolts like rod journal nuts and other critical things. I was freaked out and wanted to tear back into the engine to see what was missing what.

I think I see an M1 magazine, 1911...


New member
You're correct on the M1 carbine, Woodguru, but Sarge beat you to the 1911


Reminds me of when I was rebuilding a 1970 Stage1 455 with all the goodies

You don't say...

Would you be surprised to know that I might be one of the few members here who knows what you're taking about? I still have my early '70 although I should sell it. Had it for over 20 years now, lots of sentimental feelings about the silly thing, built about everything but the tranny and rear end myself. Didn't stitch the seats, didn't spray the paint, didn't install the windshield, didn't install the top frame I did everything else. I've put over 200K miles on the car

Ever been a member of the BPG?


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New member
That many leftover parts is a problem

M1 Garand? as well as the above mentioned 1911 and Beretta.

I can start building more with the leftovers ;)

M1 rifle, yes:

But- incorrect on the Beretta. I thought that might be the tough one


New member
I see a barrel bushing and magazine from a 1911...and what looks like a magazine from a Beretta M9/92. That's all that I feel confident about....

Yes on the 1911 (specifically a Series 70) Sarge.

Unfortunately no on the M9 or 92


You are actually very close, and this will give it away to you and maybe others. That pistol lost to the Beretta M9


New member
Looks like Garand parts, M1 carbine parts, 1911 parts, and a magazine from a Smith & Wesson Model 59.


New member
As far as rifles go, you have parts from a M1 and a M1 carbine.

I'm giving this Honorable Mention for not making statements about anything except what the parts are from based on the evidence of the photo. They are indeed actually from my M1 rifle and M1 carbine, I'm not asking a trick question :)


New member
Looks like Garand parts, M1 carbine parts, 1911 parts, and a magazine from a Smith & Wesson Model 59.

Oooh- another 75%er :)

Another hint- there's a guide rod and spring for a pistol that is not a 1911 in the bin, too, and they go to this barrel:


New member
Neat thread, wish I had seen it earlier. Just wanted to comment on a couple things.

--I knew what he was talking about with the Stage 1 GS and 455 but I sure as heck haven't owned one for 20 years and I've never restored a car nor owned a classic. There are some of us hacks out here who just recognize stuff we love and drool over it! The picture is sweet, and I've got shutup before we peeve off a moderator! :p

--the 1911 was child's play. The double stack pistol mag looks like most any double stack 9, but the cutouts are too small for Taurus and would need to be in the center of the front for a Ruger mag. I'll admit that I didn't even notice the 1911 mag but the other parts were a dead giveaway.

--the safety inside the trigger guard was a giveaway for the M1, but could have been for the few rifles that mimicked that style of safety. It's not that prevalent, is it?

Fun little game.