So, there we were, sitting around the machine shop...


New member
and "Project Tiger" was born. We've made several - this is the "shop's" tube.

It's lathe-turned from a chunk of solid steel - 0.4" walls, 4" barrel, room for a couple of t-shirt patches, holds 120 grains of FFG. And a golf ball.

We're getting about 400 yards (or so...) with a standard ball.


New member
We -have- done a proof test, because there is anticipation of selling them. No, I won't tell you about it, other than we tried to think "stupid," and we had it in a hole with a really long fuse. And it lived. But don't do that. Okay? Do Not. That said, I have no control over just how you try to meet your maker, but I don't wanna get blamed for it.

Golf balls are fun and easy to purchase.

1.68" ball bearings may also be fun, but they'll be harder to purchase, and there is more potential for Bad Stuff Going Wrong.

So, let's just keep it to 120 grains of Goex FFG and a nice golf ball, okay? I mean, isn't having the ability to drive 400 yards enough? Plus, you'll irritate the crap outta the guys on the next green...


New member
Not trying to be "that guy," but wouldn't that be a destructive device, as it is over .500 bore and not for sporting purposes? Even a PVC potato cannon can be considered a destructive device by the ATF if it is made a certain way. You should check into it before you decide to sell these. I've always thought it would be cool to do something similar, only with a bore that would hold a coke can. They are all a standard size, have a cupped bottom, and could be filled with sand, water, whatever to get the weight you want. All I'm saying is look into the legal side of it.


New member
Not trying to be "that guy," but wouldn't that be a destructive device, as it is over .500 bore and not for sporting purposes? Even a PVC potato cannon can be considered a destructive device by the ATF if it is made a certain way. You should check into it before you decide to sell these.

I was going to say this as well. You may have accidentally manufactured a DD or AOW.


New member
You can legally own black powder cannons, mortars, sawed off shotguns, whatever. As long as it's a muzzle loader you're fine.


New member
Yeah, this isn't the only one out there. People own LARGE black powder cannons without goobermint regulation.

It's fuse-fired, and we recommend Goex over Pyrodex. If you want one, I'm making several of them. If you want to do your own woodworking, I can send just the metal portion.


New member
Not trying to be "that guy,"

Best git educated then. :) black powder cannons are a hoot, ours gets used on the 4th.

A person can go to cabelas or kmart or walmart or,, and buy a black powder handgun and walk out of the store with it regardless of his background. No paperwork.

Now I shoot a 4in gun, shot over 72 of them at one time over the weekend. Ido fireworks, big fireworks. :) and they are regulated and a BATF permit is needed to buy and shoot them... unlike a BP device.....


New member
Ah, the beauty of NFA laws:
A 20ga revolver is a destructive device, but a 10" Columbiad firing solid shot is not.

Now if only I had a casemate for that Columbiad....