so speath Time magazine

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New member
Have a look at Time magazines cover story about how gun control lost.

Start with the "semiautomatic assault rifle" depicted on the cover, but wait, it gets better, as with the following. "smokeless powder is a variation on black powder". funny thing, I had always thought that black powder was a mechanical mixture of sulfur, charcoal and potassium nitrate, granulated as to provide the desired burning rate, while smokeless powder was and remains a chemical compound, for instance nitric acid reacting with cellulose, then dewatered in some manner or other. Silly me, I suppose that Time knows best, or is once again, their editorial policy holding sway, facts be damned?

Funny thing, but there seems no mention of The Anti Gun Lobby having told the same old fairy tale once to often, How many times can one cry wolf, and remain credible? That might prove to be an interesting question.

Can't seem to find this issue on-line and damned if I will buy such rubbish. Maybe I'll read it at my local library.


New member
As a general rule, I don't participate in discussions of how firearms and firearms related subjects tend to be disseminated to the great, unknowing public by mainstream media... AKA "talking heads", but your thread has "poked me with a stick".

Sensationalism has always been a weak substitute for actual, factual research in the mainstream media. To expect anything better would be to expect the talking heads to replace ratings, sales figures, corner offices and reserved parking with honor, integrity and objectivity.

Times magazine is not the print equivalent of Edward R. Murrow or Walter Cronkite... hell, it's not even Brian Williams.

Truth, facts, lies, damn lies and statistics. The illusion of objectivity is a tool of the manipulator.

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