So now that I've got a .357.......

The Body Bagger

New member
I just recently purchased a 4" S&W 686P. I would like to know what some of you users have loaded for home defense? I have read that the the JHP 125's are the main staple of diet for most reliable one stop shots. I am a bit concerned of course about the blast and flash indoors. Has anyone shot the 145gr. Winchester Silvertips? I've read that while they are not the equivelant of the .38 special +p in reduced recoil though they are less of a handfull than the full house 125grs by Federal, Remington, and CCI. What sayeth thou?!?
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New member
I stuff my .357s with 158-gr Hydra-Shoks and/or 158-gr Gold Dots. Magnum loads, not specials. If you need to use a special, the Gold-Dots in that caliber would be my first choice.


New member
Glad for the post as I am curious as well to what others load.

Personally I use the 357 Mag Fed 130gr hydrashoks for home defense.

Switched from the PMC 150gr Starfires as I became concerened that anything over 125-130gr might cause over penetration in the BG in a 357 Mag cart. Perhaps this is not true but the heavier bullets tend to penetrate more.

Naturally I am sure my ears for ring for awhile if I need to shoot the mag loads indoors but I figure its a small price to pay all things considered.

As a backup alternative I would have no problem shooting 38 spc as long as they were +P rounds. If +P was not an option then I would certainly lean towards a heavier bullet, as in your case. Again from the standpoint that penetration is important (not discounting expansion, shot placement, etc) :rolleyes:

Perhaps someone can confirm\dispute this line of thought...

The Body Bagger

New member
Thanks to the both of you for your posts. My previous experience with handguns had been limited to handguns chambered in .45acp, .40 S&W, and 9mm. This is my first revolver. In reality yes, I doubt very much if I will be thinking about the muzzle flash or noise if a "bad guy" decides to meander his way into my humble abode. Of course the Mrs. profficientcy factor also comes into play, but thats what range time is for. Thanks again.


New member
I keep handloaded 125's in my 357's, they are quite stout.

I wouldn't feel uncomfortable having Silvertips in my guns, nor would I with the 135 grain Gold Dot +P 38 special loads. Any decent 357 magnum load will be fine, as would quality 38 specials.

The Body Bagger

New member
Are silvertips no good? I have not seen much mentioned on them as I know they are a relatively older designed bullet. I understand that Remington Golden Sabre 125gr, Federal HydraShok 130's, and the standard 125's are supposively the best for personal defense. The heavier 158's are subjugated to hunting purposes mainly. I could be wrong.


Body bagger.. you dont sound like you are impressed with the .357, you dont like it so just stick with your 45s and 40s ;)
The .357 is not for everyone you either love it and trust it with your life or you think its overrated and hate it :D

The Body Bagger

New member
Not the case at all 357magfan. I'm just trying to find out the best loads for my newest acquisition. I would think that most people who are unfamiliar with a certain round would aspire to do the same?? Anyways I found an interesting site for different rounds here.


Although I cant really speak from experience because ive never shot anyone with a .357 before I have tested different round while plinking and for some reason the 125gr Corbons seem the most dangerous.


New member
I shot a box of 145gr Winchester Silver Tips but I like 125gr Hollow points better.

The 125gr had less recoil than the Silver tips and were more accurate in my gun. I think a good old box of 50 125JHP is the way to go in the 357mag. I do use 158JFP when I take it in the woods. But for home defense a 125jhp will drop a intruder like a bag of dirt.


New member
There is one other thing you need to consider for home

I would like to have a 50 bmg for home defence but where will the bullet go that passes through the intended bad guy or the one that I miss.
If you live in the country with no one else in the house then thats not a problem.
But you need to think about where the bullets can and will go.
357 mags are a most effective rounds, but they can over penetrate, and I dont know what kind of testings been done but I cant see where several layers of drywall can do much to slow one down.
What I would carry in doors is 38's in Winchester silvertips.
+P's. Its going to be a lot more controlable and the pennetration problems not so bad.
Personaly, 12 gage pump with pistol grip and bird shot is my choice and is within reach alto hidden when I am in bed.
And I will take a 12 gage bird shot load against any 44 magnum any day.


New member

I've shot many different loads through my .357s, and I prefer the 145gr. Silvertips. They kick less than most 125's, noticeably so in fact, and the muzzle blast isn't much different either. The hardest kicking round I've shot yet is the CCI 158 JHP's. They are worse than CorBon's hunting rounds. I don't think you can go wrong with the 145 Silvertips.


New member
My house gun has been the same for 22 years now. Ruger Security Six, stainless with six inch barrel. And it has been loaded with Federal 125 grain JHP .357 Magnums the whole time. The cops made them the "standard" for a reason! And the extra two inches of barrel should make it even better! Higher velocity and the blast is just a little further away.

I can really shoot the heck out of that gun. DA is very easy to manage. It is still my choice despite dozens of other possibilities around here. I just have the most faith in that design and that cartridge.



New member
I personally keep my GP100 loaded with 130 gr Federal Hydrashocks as well.

Although I have a supplier of buckshot loads that has 3 pellets of buckshot that puts three nice nearly .35 holes in the targets in a nice triangle that are kinda handy for home defense.

My supplier loads his .357 with two of those buckshot rounds followed by JHP rounds if the BG is still stupid enough to be a threat. I have carried that loading myself on occasion and I keep a speedloader with that setup in my safe next to the gun when at home.

One thing I have noticed is that the buckshot rounds do not have as much recoil as the Hydrashocks do and I know if I was hit in COM with three buckshot pellets I would be seriously considering a tactical withdrawal in a hurry.

I have the guy making me up a box of 50 soon to keep around the house for pest control of the 2 and 4 legged variety.

I still prefer the Hydrashocks though.


New member
Like The Body Bagger I've just bought my 1st revolver, also a .357 magnum S & W 686P but mine is the snubby with the 2.5" barrel. Do I need to be aware of any special ammunition considerations or just follow the suggestions offered above for the longer barrel (4") revolver? Thanks to all you guys for the help and advice you offer here!



New member
Sounds like you got a great gun. I prefer 357 mag, 158 gr JHP or JSP when in the woods, but my usual carry round in town or at home is the 158 LSWCHP+P 38s in my 357s.