So my buddie just found his blackhawk....literally.


New member
my friend's dad said that if he could find his old revolver (357 new model blackhawk) he could have it. he looked every where for it for about a year, and last night just happened to look is his dads old saddle bag, (that hasn't been used in about ten years) and there it was.

i haven't seen it yet but he was saying the rust wasn't to bad. my question is what to use to get the rust off, particularly the bore. he is going to have it reblued by the smith that reblued mine, and im going to refinish the grips. right now i think its savable. anything else that he should have looked at?

thanks guys


New member
Leave it all up to the smithy

De-rusting, re-bluing, cleaning, lubricating, etc. Too many fine firearms have been ruined by amateurs with good intentions (myself being one of them.) I tried re-bluing an old Mossberg rifle with a Birchwood-Casey kit, and it came out all blotchy. Cleaned it off with acetone and re-did it. Better, but still not great. After the third try, it was accepable, but still hardly a pro-quality job.

Gunsmiths get paid because they know what they're doing, and in my experience, they don't charge all that much.

My two cents.


New member
Agree with Skeeter. Take it to a gunsmith who will find out the problems, fix the problems, and provide a guarantee on the work.

There is no guarantee on work you do yourself... and no one to get mad at, either.

If you don't know a gunsmith well and don't know anyone who can recommend a smith, it's perfectly acceptable to shop the gun to a few smiths and compare estimates... just like you would on a car or a house.
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New member
ok guy thanks ill tell him just to get it reblued asap and call the smith tomorrow for him. hopefully the smith does as good of a job on my buddies gun as he did on mine.





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New member
thats my black hawk that has just been refinished:D i just take bad photos.

with the new hammer and a new grip screw (i lost it) it ran right about $120 to have it done. i refinished the grips so that saved some cash.

The Terminator

New member
thats my black hawk that has just been refinished i just take bad photos.

with the new hammer and a new grip screw (i lost it) it ran right about $120 to have it done. i refinished the grips so that saved some cash.

No wonder that I could not see any rust on it!


New member

That's a handsome revolver. Your smithy did a great job on re-bluing it, and you did a great job on the grips. Looks like brand new. $120 seems like a reasonable price for restoring a fine firearm.


New member
thanks guys.

well i took a look at his revolver last night. there wasn't as much rust as i thought. there was rust on the front sight, a small amount on the cylinder and of course the hammer. it rotated fine and didn't have visible rust in the chambers or barrel. looks like the smith wont have a problem rebluing it. the only things that look like that will have to be replaced is the hammer and the grips. the grips a some over sized aftermarket wood grips that have a big piece missing out of them. i told him to just buy a new set from ruger.


New member
Try Bearpaw Grips on ebay if you dont see what you need for that model Blackhawk e-mail him. I picked up some really nice wood grips for $35.00. There are also some other guys who sell Ruger grips that are pretty reasonable.


New member
I don't know if it's just me, but as long as the rust isn't too bad, like you say, I think I'd go with just getting original grips from Ruger, and not get it reblued. If the action is tight, and there's no rust, or just specks on the cylinder, frame, and barrel... I'd clean off as much of the rust as I could and leave it.

It's something to show off to folks... "Yeah, this was my Dad's gun..." then tell them the story. My dad's passed on. I wish I had an heirloom like that to remember him by.


New member

My dad passed away several years ago, and I inherited his High Standard DM101 Derringer. I've put walnut grips on it, but it won't be leaving here until I'm pushing up daisies. Yes, it's still a regular shooter, not a safe queen. Too much fun, and I'm sure that's the way dad would have intended it to be used.


New member
I was going to say your buddy knows that it is not a .357 but I just seen another post pointed it out. Sorry


New member
I would just send it to Ruger...

The price for a re-blue from them is more than reasonable, $50!!!
and that way when it comes home, you know all the interior stuff is up to snuff as well, too! I sent my Red label shotgun back to them once (well, actually twice...) and had it back within two weeks each time. Good luck!!

Bill DeShivs

New member
Unless the gun is in very bad shape, rebluing is a bad idea-it ruins any collector value. Just clean the rust off with 0000 steel wool and WD 40. Oil the gun down afterwards.