So many issues, so little time


New member
Denny and Rich, I found 14 issues of SWAT sitting on my kitchen table when I came home from Iraq yesterday to catch up on. Any suggestions on must-read articles that I have to read now before I dive into them more thoroughly when my leave starts in a few weeks?

Denny Hansen

Staff Emeritus
Darn good to hear from you, IZ!

We're obviously biased and think most (if not all) articles are worth a read. I'd humbly suggest you scan either the cover or maybe the table of contents and see what interests you.

Thank you for your service, and truly happy you made it back safely.



New member
all those back issue's

IZ: Thanks you for your service to our country. I think you deserve to sit back and sip a couple brewski's and read them all. :D
Welcome home and Thank You...from ALL of us.

I personally couldn't care what you read first; the fact that you're back with us is what counts.
