So many choices....


New member
I know I've been wrighting about picking up a Kahr, or a Bersa, now I am comparing the .32 Tomcat vs the .380 Bersa CC. I have experience with both calibers, so it's coming down to preference. The Tomcat has 500 years of craftsmanship, the Bersa is a bigger caliber. What is a gun man to do? Any one out there have any ideas? .32 Tomcat or .380 Bersa?


New member
Don't Abandon the Kahr!

Don't throw out the Kahr just yet! I recently bought a Kahr MK40, and I absolutely love it. It is 6" long, 4" tall, and less than an inch wide, so it is the perfect IWB pistol. At 23 oz. it is a bit heavy for a pocket gun, but you could carry it in your pocket if you had to. So why settle for .32 or .380 when you can have a .40?!?! ;)

By the way, I do have a P-3AT that I carry as a pocket gun, and I absolutely love it. It is reliable, tiny, and light. But I now carry the .40 just as often.

I will have to join the Rev and say that the MK40 is awesome. I carry one and love it. I would take a PPK over a Bersa any day though just because of fit, finish, and overall quality of feel. The Tomcat is just too bulky for what I originally bought it more powerful than the small seecamps but way bigger.


New member
I've owned both guns and can recommend them both. The Bersa 380 CC is slimmer but the Tomcat is smaller. I liked them both on the range. I ultimately decided on keeping the Tomcat more because of personal preference.

fairview mick

New member

Before making a decision, take a look at the Kahr PM9. I recently bought one and think alot of it. It's small enough to fit in your pocket of anything but tight jeans and won't show. I deliver diamonds and hi dollar watches part time, I wouldn't be without it. It's accurate, but a little "TESTY' in the trigger area. A logn pull and heavy.


New member
Another vote for the Kahr. The polymer frames are good for pocket carry, but I just bought a Kahr K40 Covert. It conceals so easily it's scary, the caliber is good, and it's just about perfect for IWB carry. I just wish there was an alloy frame b/c I don't like polymer framed guns. The steel Kahrs have a very balance heft to them.


New member
I like the Kahr's... expecially the K9 and K40 as belt carry guns.



I like the Kel-Tecs as well... the P-11 and P-40 being my favorites.

