so long, farewell..

Nanaimo Barr

New member
it is 17:46 as I sit here.. and realize today is October 31st.

it is my 9th wedding Anniversary....

And I forgot.

Good thing my wife still has one more day to go on her first Deer hunting trip. I still got time to get something.

(Big Silly Grin)

Nanaimo Barr

New member
the scarey thing is she has me out gunned (.303 british, 2 x .357, and a .380 just in case).. I hope she had a GOOD hunt or I could be in REAL trouble if I can't find something she really likes..


New member
Congrats NB!

Congratulations! on your anniversary, & a hunting wife too! Mine is easy to remember,
If I didn't remember on the 3rd of July, The fireworks will be indoors on the 4th!;)
The marriage counselor is in...

A nice romantic vacation in Africa will mend any harm. Imagine walking hand in hand with towards the distant African sunset. The smell of antelope roasting over the spit wafts through the air, tonight's reward for a memorable hunt. As you turn towards her you catch that sparkle in her eye. It's like when you first met years ago. You smile and slowly the realization strikes you - her .416 Rigby compliments yours and besides, why not? She selected the rifles for the hunt. She presses your hand a little harder and draws you closer to her and whispers in your ear, "Honey, I'm the happiest woman alive. No other woman in the world has a husband who will take her hunting in Africa."

Nanaimo Barr

New member
Jim, that was 2 .357's. not a 2 inch (one of them, like the Enfield, used to be mine), and yes, she had lots of ammo (I had to make a emergency 60 mile run to get .311 180 gr SP's on monday morning.)

Kharn.. that might not be a bad idea at all! thanks for the idea! (Ive threatened for years to get an inflatable Deer head for the living room)

Gary. you may have a future writing for Harliquin Romances.. but I know my wife. she wants a Mac 10 (and a AK, and a pair of Ruger Bisleys and.........) more than a trip to Africa...

Vulcan, if you ever do forget can I can the Video rights? (grin)


New member

We just had our 9th on the 16th - and we were going to do the 31st, but some people thought it odd and the 16th made it 1 year to the day from our first date so that was cool.

Flys by dont it?

Now we got a little one...

Ed Dixon

New member
Only got five years in myself but I've been reminded many times "appliances are never appropriate." Also, the flowers always seem as big a hit as the jewelry, clothes, etc. A little late for this one, but a couple Xmases ago I found a lot of nice handmade jewelry box sites on the net. Got one from a guy in Canada with beautiful exotic wood inlays for a very reasonable price (under two small). Good luck.


New member
John forgot his day of bliss,
That annoyed his former Miss.
When the score was finally reckoned,
Loreana's scissors cruely beckoned.

Hide the sharp objects dude :D --- the dangler you save may be your own.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Here's a scary tale, NB. For our 31st anniversary, TWO DAYS after, we were watching the evening news together on TV and some item came up about wedding anniversaries. We both just looked at each other and started laughing. We had BOTH forgotten! WHEW! That scared the bejesus outta me! Never again.


New member
She's deer hunting, eh? Wouldn't that rather be "dear" hunting?

You did, after all, forget your anniversary. :p


New member
I forgot mine this year too. My wife said she didn't care, (but I know she really did) since it was # 22 and she knows what to expect by now!

Still, not a good day to have to be reminded about.

Nanaimo Barr

New member
Pendragon, there is something sureal about getting married in a Hall dressed up for halloween.. (it was a rush thing (but legal and binding) for INS). the pics of the bridal party were taken under a cutout of a witch.. and in ALL the pics the best man has bright red eyes....

ED, I got lucky. sharp pointies AND firearms are good..

Seeker: you just HAD to didn't you??? (grin)

RAE: if I did that, the walls would be bare. but I'm still WAY better with that than she is..(with a gun on the other hand....shudder)

Sensop: we did that last year! but made up for it on the December wedding (Civil Service in Canada oct 31 for INS, the walk down the isle uh, some time in decemeber here in Idaho)

LiveWire: so did she.. maybe I should be allowed a "dear hunting" trip ya think?


New member
Seeker: you just HAD to didn't you??? (grin)

Couldn't not do it! Soon as I saw the thread title I had the song stuck in my head - still do. So, ya, I HAD to.

Here's a nice link to the rest of the rst of the lyrics, as well as the rest of the songs.

Nanaimo Barr

New member
you will one day Brain. you will..

seeker, not gonna go there. I don't want the song in MY head.. you keep it (besides, I think the filtering software will list it as a Nazi hate site)

she is currently back, Bambi got lucky. I diverted her with a hot bubble bath and chocolate.

(and the LAST hotel room in town. darn football games!, there goes my reloading budget for the next 3 monthes)