So I'm bit by the AR bug for hunting.


New member
As the title says I've got the AR bug for deer hunting. In the last few days I've bought a 6.5 Grendel upper and other parts to make it a complete rifle. Should weigh less than 9lbs scoped. I have ideas for it to be a "fun gun" and plink steel @ 500 yards and then deer hunt with it occasionally. In the AR platform I don't feel .223 is adequate for medium game which is why I didn't choose it.

I also bought a Remington R-15 VTR in 30 AR for a price I couldn't pass up. I'm aware of some downfalls of the cartridge but as a handloader I'm not worried about ammo availability. I can buy loaded ammo for ~$20/box and plan on stocking up. This rifle will also fill the same role as the aforementioned 6.5 Grendel.

Do you guys have experience with either of these 2 rounds for the purposes I've listed and if so any advice or tips would be appreciated thanks.


According to what I read in the Hornady reloading manual, the 6.5 Grendel operates best with bullets either strictly for target use or at the lighter end of "big game" use. This would indicate some testing and or careful selection of bullets for use on deer.
The 30AR uses bullets in the "suitable for big game" category w/o reservation.


New member
6.5 Grendel with the 123 Hornady AMAX is a muledeer(+) killer.

Ditto the sierra 120gr ProHunter/SP
Ditto Ditto Speer's 120gr Spitzer

All are 1/2 MOA out of my AA/20" upper.
(If reloading, go get some IMR8208)


New member
I agree on being iffy using a 223 for the game you speak of.But that same 223 will ring steel beyond 500yards.I have seen it hit 18×18 steel at almost 1000yards..Thats with decent but not super high end barrel,trigger etc and 10×magnification 69grain budget match ammo (ADI)..


New member
Thanks guys I live in the southeast and our deer aren't exactly big. And I plan on using 120gr SP bullets on deer. It will be in the 2600-2700fps range so as long as I pick my shots carefully and avoid severe angle raking shots I believe I'll be fine.

As far as the 30 AR is concerned I plan on shooting 150gr bullets exclusively. I know those will kill. Also looking around online it seems IMR 8208 is an excellent for the 6.5 Grendel and also the 30 AR.


New member
30RAR is pretty sweet. I haven't researched it much lately fr a couple years ago, but I know since it's introduction everyone seemed pretty peeved about brass availability.

6.5 is a good round and will probably fit your needs. Ideally I would like a 30RAR necked to 6.5 and call it day, but again, brass brass brass. 6.8spc is neat, but the grendal has it beat for so many reason, brass being the big one for me and the ability to convert x39 if the popularity wanes in the future.

303RAR is simply extraordinary for hand loaders, i really don'y see why it isn't more popular. people seem to blame remington, but why no aftermarket? if i was to build an AR type rifle strictly for hunting, i would go with .243. i know some say the 15 platform is easier to lug, but i would think careful parts selection could make the 10 not so cumbersome. polymer lowers, slightly shorter band fluted barrel, maybe folding stock. definetley pricey in the beggining, but ammo cost/availability would make up for it in the long run. CONGRATS on your new calibers, would love to see a range report(pics) of 30 with velocities and targets.
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New member
I'll be doing reviews pics and range reports on both rifles as weather and time allows. AA range report will be after hunting season as rifle season starts in a few weeks and I'll only be able to make one range trip before then.


The AR shines for personal defense and military work. High capacity, light, rapid fire...

For hunting?? Seems like there are hundreds of far better options. Get yourself a $500 bolt gun and scope combo. You need one very accurate shot...
Now leadcounsel, don't go all Jim Zumbo on us. The AR15 is a terrific gun for hunting and is very popular for hunting.

Yep, you need one very accurate shot and AR15s are great for delivering that one very accurate shot, LOL.


CarJunkieLS1, you are going to really enjoy the Grendel. It does a very good job on deer and deer-sized game. It also makes a helluva predator round.
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New member
Can't use the 5.56 for hunting.

Even though an American soldier is expected to fight in a war and win battles with the 5.56, it is outlawed for use as a hunting calibre in most states because it is largely underpowered for such activity. You might want to check your state laws.


New member
I have multiple high quality bolt guns w/ quality scopes. Ranging in caliber .243-300WM so I'm covered I guess I just want something a little different.

Also, in my state it is 100% legal to hunt deer with a .223, however, I personally don't feel it is adequate.


I have multiple high quality bolt guns w/ quality scopes. Ranging in caliber .243-300WM so I'm covered I guess I just want something a little different.

Also, in my state it is 100% legal to hunt deer with a .223, however, I personally don't feel it is adequate.

Eh, to each their own. I'd pass on the AR as a hunting rifle. But that's just me. Your decision.

I applaud your good hunting ethics of using at minimum .30 caliber for deer. It drives me nuts to see guys try underpowered calibers for deer.


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Never said I exclusively use .30 caliber for deer...I've used .243 6.5 .277 7mm and .30 caliber I'm just not comfortable using a .224 caliber on deer.


New member
If I build another AR for me, it will be a 6.5G. I might build another 5.56/.223, well OK maybe two more. One for my wife and the other for my son.


Might check how many states DO allow 5.56. MO was one that didn't at one time, now does. In fact, they allow ANY centerfire cartridge - which includes pistols, too.

I'm not advocating hunting with a .32 Auto but it's legal. Now, who would do that? Consider the effective and ethical range as your limit, it's feasible. For that matter, if you needed the meat and only had a sharp stick, you'd use that - which has been done in the past. And looking at the MDC regs, in MO you can. In fact, the man who lobbied to get "sharp sticks" included took the first deer legally in season that way.

What you do is match the ballistic envelope to the situation - and then concentrate on shot placement for the best and humane application. I'm not thinking anyone is suggesting a larger cartridge can cover up for that - but I'm aware of deer taken that were. 8mm Remington Magnum will knock them down.

Nonetheless, it was a 45 meter shot - well within the lethal range of 5.56, and as a matter of fact, even from a 10.5" pistol barrel. 5.56 from short barrels still carries 1,000 foot pounds of force out to 80 meters - why discount a valid choice because it won't reach 450m?

I plotted out the known deer taken on ground I've hunted for 40 years - Ozark woodland with brush choked valleys - and every one was less than 80m. So what good will a long barreled rifle in a cartridge sized for reaching 3X past the visible limit of targeting do me? Even with an FLIR back on a cell phone mounted on the gun, I can't ethically take the shot until I see "deer."

I built a 10.5" pistol in 5.56 and plan on enjoying more days hunting afield than the short season that "only" rifle shooters are allowed. 40+ days in MO. You have to be out hunting to see deer, going two or three days over one ten day season doesn't always get results.

If the cartridge you use has to have a floor on acceptable power, it might be related to the way you hunt. That floor isn't the same as the next guys and making a moralistic statement about it's inadequacy relates to a lack of understanding about the ballistics. You fit the cartridge that best meets your circumstances - you CAN have too much gun.

It's why we no longer use .30-06 for a combat round, and the Germans don't use 8mm, and the Russians don't use 7.62 x 54, ad infinitum. The military understands how to fit the cartridge to the target.

After 40 years of hunting, I've moved from .308, to .30-30, to 6.8SPC, to 5.56 from a 10.5" barrel. It's not a bean field gun - and neither is my hunting. 5.56 is certainly quite legal in many states - make a good choice where to use it, place your shots carefully, and you get your game.


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My boys and I have killed 8-10 whitetail with the Win 64g power point out of a .223 AR with no problems. Also I have killed 13 whitetail and as many coyotes using the 6.5DTI in an AR which is a 6.5/6.8. The AR is a perfect rifle for hunting in my view. It's accurate, rugged, reliable, fast, easily broken down for cleaning/maintenance, uses widely available common parts, and easily modified for personal tastes. The Grendel/AR combo will be a super rifle for the op. The mid sized cartridges in the AR15 can do probably 90% of what rifle hunters need done. And there is the AR10 platform using .308 class cartridges if one needs more; but they are too heavy IMO and I don't need that power class for my typical hunts.
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New member
The more and more I think about it the more and more I believe I'm gonna enjoy hunting with the AR platform. The 6.5 Grendel and 30 AR will do all I need it to do out to 300 yards (farthest shot I'll ever be able to take game at) and with the polymer stocks and what not I won't worry about scratching up my quality bolt guns as much.