So I'm a Sucker for a Model 19...


New member
My wife and I stopped at "Ali-Babba's House O Guns" yesterday to inspect the place to make sure things are up to our standards, boost moral of the troops, and annoy the customers...the usual stuff you know.

I headed straight for the "pre-owned" counter and wasn't there long before I spotted a set of Smith & Wesson target grips in the case. They were attached to a "finish challenged", four screw K-frame with a 4" barrel, and a half underlug...A Model 19?

YES...and it's marked as a "Model 19". No dash.

The finish is worn. The grips are sweat stained...but it locks up tight, the crane is straight, no flame cutting, no push off, no end shake, timing is on. The barrel is filthy. A couple of pulls with a bore snake fixes that. Ok, bore looks good. The grips are diamond number to match up to the gun, but period correct. The price was reasonable for a Model 19 in this area.

Sorry, I didn't get any better pictures, but this is about the first time I even remembered I have a camera on my cell phone.

I had to put it on layaway, but hope to get it home soon.
"So I'm a Sucker for a Model 19..."

Who isn't? Well, true suckers aren't... :D

I have one that looks very much like that, from the wear patterns to the grips to the fact that it's a straight 19.


New member
Just a note...

With the diamond grips and 'no-dash' model number, I looked at the photographs. That revolver appears to have a 'fourth' screw on the front of the trigger guard.

If so, it is not only a great shooter and noble companion in life, BUT it is even more desirable than a later 19. Probably made around 1956 or 57.

I had one once and had to sell it. I don't want to talk about it.


New member
My very first center fire firearm was a used Model 19. I learned pistol shooting on it. Back when Florida carry permits were recognized in PA, I used it to pass the shooting portion on the application. It was funny, the instructor tried to talk me out of using it because he felt that semi automatics were better defense guns. So he sent the target out to 15 yards and told me to fire 5 rounds rapid fire - and assured me that when I failed we would count it as a practice round. Four shots in the 10 ring, 1 in the 9. The rest was all easier. He ended up laughing at himself and calling me a hustler.

That Model 19 still does bedstand duty and goes to the range at least 4 times a year.


New member
With the diamond grips and 'no-dash' model number, I looked at the photographs. That revolver appears to have a 'fourth' screw on the front of the trigger guard.

You're correct Archie. It is indeed a "four screw" model.


New member
Nice score! I think that the K frame Smiths balance the best of any revolver I have shot, especially those with the 4" barrel.

I like the fact that you didn't hesitate and bought it on the spot. Too many times I see people that are unable to make a decision with going home and asking the internet community if they should buy a particular gun, only to return and find it gone.

I had been looking for a 19 for a while and couldn't find one at any kind of a reasonable price until I stumbled onto this one in a LGS on the used gun shelf.

The price was right so it came home with me. :)



New member
I have a 6" and a 2-1/2", gotta get a 4" one too. I do have a model 15 to get by on til I come up with a 4" 19.


New member
I like the fact that you didn't hesitate and bought it on the spot. Too many times I see people that are unable to make a decision with going home and asking the internet community if they should buy a particular gun, only to return and find it gone.

That's a beaurty HP. Reminds me of the first handgun I purchased back in the early 80's. I forget exactly when. It was a 4" Model 19. At the time I thought that was what a handgun was supposed to look like. I still do.

I pretty well know what I like in handguns and what I don't. One thing I've learned is you like, you'd better be ready to speak up. If you don't want it, the guy behind you does.


New member
Mike Irwin said:
Who isn't?

Gotta say, this is immediately what sprung to my mind on reading the thread topic.

And I don't even HAVE one. But if I'd seen that kind of thing in my local shop, I would indeed. Nice find. :D

Grant D

New member
Went to a gun show awhile back and didn't see anything I liked, and just as I was leaving, I spotted a table by the exit door.
There was a lady talking to the salesman about a Royal Blue six inch Colt Python he had for sale.
She said her husband was looking for one, and walked off to find him.
I stepped up to the table and said I'll take it, and he laughed and said, you snooze you loose! cost me $950.00 out the door.
Went to another gun show in a different town, and the same guy was there with his table, and I bought a nickel plated Smith and Wesson Model 19-5 four inch barrel from him for $500.00 out the door.

It just doesn't pay to hesitate!!:)


New member
I too am a M19 fan. Owned many over the years and the 4" model is my favorite. I recently had a motorcycle accident and sold off the guns to pay some bills during the recovery. The -4 I have now is the anchor of my modest collection. It was lonely for awhile until things got a little better and it would be the last gun to go.

Since things are getting better, several of my handguns have returned home and I put some money down on a 6" blue model. Life is good! :)

old bear

New member
Simply put the M-19 is one of the finest all around handguns ever produced. Everything you need in a revolver and nothing you don't need.