So if one was to live near NYC, where would one go?


New member
My wife wants to be a publisher, NYC is the place to be for that. I’d like to avoid living in that state, but there’s rural places close by. I’d consider New Jersey I’m sure. Pennsylvania is probably too far. I’ve got a decent amount of guns but mostly hunting type. I do have a Baby Eagle that’s 15+1, an AK pistol, and a Highpoint 10+1 rifle. I’m cool with making my mags hold the legal amount but how legal is an AK pistol in those places? I’d get a small mag for it, I want one to hunt with anyways. How about buying guns in those areas? Here in WV you can do whatever you want as long as you meet the criteria of legally allowed to own a gun and pass a background check if it’s at a gun dealer or a handgun across state lines. Our laws are easy, we can even conceal carry with no permit. I know those states aren’t that way and I’m fine with that. I’ve just heard New York requires a permit to even buy a long gun, hope that’s not true. What about guns I already own? This isn’t happening soon, just looking at options.


New member
NYC presents a problem for gun owners. Definitely do not want to live in the State of NY or NJ. By default that leaves CT. There are a number of CT areas you can select, all within train service to NYC. The commute by train is not too bad at all (did it for four years).

CT ain't the most gun friendly state, but it is much more so than either New York or New Jersey. You can find semi rural areas in the Danbury area that are OK for a NYC commute and owning a gun will not make you feel like a criminal.
Despite the current anti-gun governor, of the states that are generally considered to be within commuting range of NYC Connecticut is by far the least anti-gun. Yes, there are no "assault weapons" allowed (so don't bring in an AR-15) and there's a 10-round magazine capacity limit -- but New York state and New Jersey are about the same. Carry permits are difficult to obtain in NY, and will often be limited to carry to and from the range. carry permits in NJ exist only on paper -- nobody has ever seen one in the wild. By contrast, Connecticut is virtually shall issue. Once you have the permit, it's for "carry" -- concealed is recommended but not required, and you definitely don't have to worry about printing, or having your gun exposed momentarily by an errant gust of wind.

Cost of living is up there, though, and the county closest to NYC is one of the most expensive places in the country to live. It's a bit less horrendous if you're willing to commute from New Haven or a bit east thereof, or from the northwest corner of the state (Litchfield County).


New member
So if one was to live near NYC, where would one go?
You can avoid 95% of the restrictive laws, but still be in a decent location for the career field. There's also a very hefty helping of liberal thinking to be found, should one swing that way and want to be with their own kind.
And, of course, the majesty of the great outdoors and PUBLIC land starts right outside the city.

You know... I'd even consider the suburbs of Chicago before the NYC area.

I’d like to avoid living in that state, but there’s rural places close by. I’d consider New Jersey I’m sure. Pennsylvania is probably too far.
Remember that "close" doesn't mean a short commute.
I have a cousin that worked for an insurance company in Manhattan. After finding the cost of living far too steep in the city, they moved back to Hartford, CT. Although it's only 120 miles or so, each way, their commute took OVER three hours, each way, every day. Trains and buses were more reliable, didn't have the risk of falling asleep at the wheel, and didn't really have to deal with traffic accidents or construction delays ... but cost about $65 a day.

So they ended up at: Almost seven hours on trains and buses, every work day, wasted on travel, plus $65 per day, down the drain.
(Still quicker than driving, too!)

They had to leave the house at about 4:15 am every day, and returned home at about 9 pm - with just enough time to check the mail, eat some food, and hit the sack ... to be crawling out of bed at 3:45, to take a shower, feed the dog, and grab some toast while running out the door.

It was not a life. It was indentured servitude: Wasting every hour of the work week, just to be able to sleep in on Saturday and then spend Sunday doing laundry and preparing meals for the week ahead.

Said cousin saw the light, quit that job, while on the train for the morning commute one day, and immediately found a better job right around the corner in Hartford. The pay was lower, but factoring in the cost of their commute meant more money in their pocket each payday - let alone being able to enjoy some form of life during the week.

And "better than NYC" as far as laws and restrictions goes, still doesn't mean 'friendly to our hobbies'. NJ, for example, is better than NYC, but it's still far from a gun-friendly state.


New member
It's just too bad PA is so far away from NYC. Much better gun laws. Shall issue License to Carry a Firearm and it's only $20. No bans or limits. No waiting periods to buy.


New member
PA is your best bet; further upstate NY would be better than NJ or CT

Or you have two places - an small uber-expensive hole in the wall in the city for the 5 days a week wife's job and a second place in PA just over the NJ line.


New member
I work with lots of road-warriors that live a 1-leg commuter flight away from the city, fly up first thing Monday morning, back Thursday or Friday night, and basically do the geo-bachelor(ette) thing 4-5 days/week. Not my idea of a life, but neither is it uncommon. It doesn't sound that crazy compared to the idea of a daily $65, 7-hr commute.

Charlotte, Atlanta, and several cities in Florida have LOTS of direct flights with none of the NYC issues. DCA also has lots of flights with reasonable housing not too far from the airport.


New member
I understand you can do a lot of the publishing work by "telecommute" and only go into NYC one or twice a week. It might be worth checking into.


New member
My wife wants to be a publisher, NYC is the place to be for that. I’d like to avoid living in that state, but there’s rural places close by. I’d consider New Jersey I’m sure. Pennsylvania is probably too far.

The problem is that most of the Northeast is anti-gun. New Jersey is about as bad as New York. If Pennsylvania is too far from NYC, I'd choose Connecticut. Connecticut isn't exactly gun friendly but I would certainly choose it over New Jersey, New York or Massachusetts in that regard. Good luck.


New member
As I got older, I began thinking about a move in the future tense more than the present tense.
Look at the congestion, terror attacks, laws passed etc. in NY in the last 5 years and consider where they will be in 5 or 10 more-after you have spent time, effort, made friends, own property etc. and decide if that is where you want to live. If that future in NY is ok with you, then by all means. After all, 8 million people can't be wrong. :D


New member
If she's in publishing, she is likely plugged into a phone or computer 99% of her working day, which she can easily do from a decently appointed spare room overlooking a 3 acre lake. Hell, teleconferencing is so easy and reliable, who the heckl needs to actually go to an office anymore.

Tell her she needs to find a job that will let her telecommute, then move to 30 acres somewhere east of Allentown, PA and start a small farm to keep you busy while she earns the bread. She'll be an hour away from the city if she needs to be somewhere in person (like twice a month maybe), and you'll get to hunt/fish/farm and both of you will add 10 years to your lives vs. a slow death of sucking the corporate teat in the city.

As a thanks for the idea, you can send me some good microbrew in a year when you're all settled in.

I'll getcha started:
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New member
I live in Easton, PA. It is on the Delaware River just next to NJ. Many people here commute to NYC. It is cheaper to live here than in NJ. We have buses that commute to NYC with wifi on board so people can work while they ride. The highway 78 goes right through here directly to the city. Also, as someone said, just north of us on 80 is Stroudsburg. PA is doable if you want to move here. Also, Easton is just an hour north of Philadelphia.

In The Ten Ring

New member
Live in NH, ME, VT, or PA and rent an apartment with several roommates in NYC.

You could also sell all your guns and live in NY. What will your wife publish? If she has the right opinions and makes the right donations to the right candidates, you'll both get CCW permits for the entire country plus armed security. Just saying.