So I stopped by my LGS....


New member
How many posts start off just like that? So, I had a Ruger LCR .38 that I bought for my wife.... She hated it! I'm sure as a back up gun, it would be great, but I just could not load a round light enough to make shooting it enjoyable for her. So, my intention was to trade the .38 version for the .22 version of the same gun. No big deal, I'd be in and out in 30 minutes and my wife would have her shooter....

Then, I saw this.....




Well, my wife can shoot the S&W model 10 I guess.... :D


New member
Why don't you give her the Rigid wrench in the picture :)

Very little recoil:D
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New member
Watch out that she doesn't say "OOOH... it looks so good. OOOH it feels so good to shoot...OOOH...MINE!!!" and then guess who gets to use the Model 10....(And congrats on a really great BHP)


New member
Amen to the above congradulations. It is nice to see a post where someone is not asking us what they should buy. :)

I like your taste~


New member
Congratulation! Absolutely beautiful! BHP's have this strange effect on me. Ohh, ahh, must have!

Did almost the same thing a couple of months ago. Went to a gun show to look for a Ruger Mark III Hunter model and came back with an FEG BHP clone! I know, I know, not quite the same thing. And I still don't even know what happened. Picked it up from a table to take a look and when I came to I was showing it to my wife at home! After 5 minutes of trying to explain to my wife "No, honey, it is not the same as the BHP I already have. I need this one also." gave up.

Also, if I were you, I would listen to what richardcorey said! :D