so i had an lcp...


New member
I bought a Sig p238, 150 rounds today and no problems with 2 magazines.

She took yours, now time for you to get one of your own. :)

Yes $600 is a lot but was worth it to me, all metal frame. Light recoil doesn't jump out of my hand like the LCP.


New member
I'm glad she likes it - it's most likely a bit more controlable with the added weight of the laser.

I bought a new LCP last year for kicks/giggles, and found it to be a barky little S.O.B. - and was only too glad to pass it on to one of my friends who was salivating for it/one.



New member
I have two of them and they aren't too bad to shoot. I prefer my G19 but the LCP serves a purpose. Definately an "up close and personal" weapon.


New member
no, she hasnt shot it yet...i keep it in an accesible area for her for when i am out of town...i got it for summer pocket carry. i dont find it to be too bad with the cd ammo..this may give her the impetus to go out with me to shoot..i hope so anyway.

I dont need a replacement (at this time anyway) as i have a small original Charter Arms Undercover that fills this role, and frankly, she will not be carrying it unless i can convince her to get her permit.


New member
no, she hasnt shot it yet...

I bet you'll have your LCP back after she shoots it ;)

They're great deep concealment guns but they aren't fun to shoot. I'd shoot 1000 rounds through one of my 10mm guns before I'd do it with a LCP. I'm not knocking the gun---it does what it was designed to do well but it certainly wasn't designed for shooting fun.


New member
They are great little guns but can be a handful to fire. I'd certainly get her at least a little trigger time so she knows what to expect.


New member
I don't remember are the LCPs blow back design? I've always found the little .380s that were blow back design to be a pain in the hand to shoot. Sometime back I shot a Markarov 9x18mm. WOW! my hand was stinging for an hour after I shot a magazine of ammo through it. Not fun. But a solid little gun.


New member
If she's not planning on carrying the LCP, then the C.A. Undercover may be a better option. The LCP may be small and cute, but it's not easy to shoot well. Let her try both at the range.


New member
I intend to get her to actually shoot it, but frankly I'm happy as a pig in poop that she is finally showing an interest after 14 years...o btw, yes, she calls the laser that....!