So I blew up my kinetic bullet puller yesterday.


New member
I was hammering away taking apart about 100 dummy rounds I made (no primer/powder) yesterday when disaster stuck. The puller seemed to explode throwing plastic around various corners of my room surprising the hell out of my roommate and myself.
Turns out the cap that screws down onto the collet on my RCBS puller broke in-two sending the 3 metal pieces, o ring, brass, and bullet flying all over. I am going to call RCBS and get a new cap, I was just curious though, how often do things break? Also, was I wailing on it too hard?


New member
It usually take me about 3 hits to free the bullet. The instructions on these things say to not slam it to get it done in one hit. But they are plastic, so everything breaks after enough


New member
All the kinetic bullet pullers I have seen have pretrty clear instructions that warn against trying to do the job in one or two hearty whacks. That being said, sometimes things just break.


New member
They last a long time if you do not over tighten the screw cap and hammer only on end grain wood.
A chunk of 2x lumber works well. After the end gets beat a little you can just cut off about an inch and have a fresh surface for further fun.


Naahh You didn't hit it too hard. I've broken like 4 of them and RCBS just keep sending me new ones. Ask them for a spare . I did and they sent it. You gotta love the customer service.


Bullet Puller

if you use lead bullets you can run them thru full length die to end of bullet.not work for jacket bullet.then they come out easier.


New member
I was hammering the right way, and no i don't drink the stuff under the sink either. I think I had the cap overtightened, I won't really know unless I purposely break a bunch more.
I wouldn't do that to RCBS, even though they will probably send me 1000 more and not complalin.


New member
Note: you can also use regular shell holders in these so when they break they don't fly all over like the pieces of the univeral collet.


New member
Well, I'll chalk another one up for Cabela's. Two years ago I bought one of their green $17.95 bullet pullers.

A month ago I broke it when I made a too-quick "double-tap/hit" by mistake. Broke it right in half.
I thru the pieces and collets in a zip-lock and took it to customer service. All it cost me was my time...and heck, I'm always looking for a "reason" to go to Cabela's. I have a new puller and I am extra careful to make slow steady whacks. (I never did pound hard with it...but it does not need a hard tap to bust it up)

I knew when I hit the floor with that double tap I was going to break the thing!
