So I am looking at antique purses...


New member
You wander around ebay and you never know where you may end up. Anyway, I see a listing for a wooden purse. Curious, I open it. Text reads "An old wooden box of some sort with handle added."

Some sort? I instantly recognized it as a S&W presentation case for a 4" revolver. Buy it now for $6. I am sure I can fill the holes where the handle was mounted.
Well done SaxonPig. You're antique purse find was quite a gem. By the way, what prompted you to look at an antique purse? ;)


New member
Well, I have about 35 antique purses made out of tiny chain mail. How's that for tactical? :D Some are just big enough to squeeze an NAA Mini in there.

Speaking of purses, every time I shop around for yet another one, I look at those cell phone and cosmetic pouches on them and I think, "Hey, I can fit two mags in this one and a speedloader in that one."

When I dig an old dusty purse out from the nether regions of my closet, I usually find loose ammo instead of spare change. :D