So glad we're back...

.45 Vet

New member
Thanks for the hard work and update on reasons for down-time. I for one was having some pretty serious withdrawl symptoms. Lousy weather lately and nothing to do but re-load.... Thanks again.


New member
+1 . I really missed this forum. Thanks for the hard work Tyme, it's much appreciated. Regards 18DAI.


New member
I can't go through one day without checking this forum, I'll go nucking futs. Other firearm forums are good, but this one is by far the best I've ever been on. ;)


New member
I really enjoy this forum because new topics are poping up all the time. Keeps things interesting. Glad the admins sorted it all out!


++++1 for the above!

... I mean to ALL of the above statements expressing joy at the return of this awesome forum, and kudos for the administrators. I wish I had a tangible way of saying "THANKS" to y'all.:)


New member
Thank you for getting this site back up and running. I've had a great time here and made some genuine friends.


New member
Thank you for bringing back the firing line. This forum seems to have just the right mix of knowledgable and serious members and the tacticool kids, great experience.

(I wonder when this thread is going to get locked...:)


New member
I agree with .45 Vet. Thanks are in order to the staff for getting this forum up again. I eased my withdrawal by researching and buying a new HD shotgun:) . (Of course at several points I did wonder if it would be better and cheaper for me to sponsor a "buy TFL a new server" campaign to get the sight up again!!! LOL) Thanks again, all.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Come on Timothy! Let's not start a flame fest here. Liking (or not) the High Road v. the Firing Line is purely a subjective and personal thing. Especially when you consider that many of the mods are the same people on both forums.

lil_bro, I'm not sure I know what you mean. Rich explained what happened in his announcement. Currently the servers (owned by Rich) are being held hostage by Direct Connection (the service provider) in lieu of debts owed by Mr. Alumbaugh (the contracted host). This is both a criminal and civil violation, I believe, and is being addressed by Rich. Does that answer your question?


New member
So glad we're back...

Me too. I was a bit worried that I might have earned myself a stealth "Clownie":eek: until Capt. Charlie explained the server problem over on THR.:D

I missed the place. I visit both here and THR almost everyday if I have time.

Thank you to those who got us back up and running again.:cool:

Harley Quinn

Glad you are up and running

I checked out the high road, read lots of good stuff. I would not bad mouth the site very much. It is a good one and I did not see any problems except new users with new names trying to stir. Same thing all sites are dealing with.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe there is a connection between tfl and thr.:cool:



<Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe there is a connection between tfl and thr>

That has been my impression. The connection appears to be between the moderators on both forums. I would not be surprised if one or more persons were moderators on both boards. I could add lib more about THR, but have been warned not to. I no longer post on THR, banned into obscurity there basically for a difference in editorial policy, my offense being akin to seditious libel. Editorial scrutiny is noticably less stringent on TFL than THR. So far they haven't whacked me here. But I'll wager that last statement is just burning them up at THR.


New member
OH dang I didn't see the announcement SORRY!!
What I meant was why did the site crash.But yes Antipitas the announcement answers my question.


Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
History in Brief: When TFL went down in Dec. of 2002, many of the people were aware of the need to find a new "home." Several of the, then, mods decided to put up another board, based loosely off of this one. Oleg went to town and in short order had a new board up and running. THR was spawned form this. Originally, you could say that The High Road was the offspring to The Firing Line. Nowadays, THR and TFL are more brothers than Father/Son.

Several of the mods here are mods over there. If you set your bias aside, you will note that both boards have much the same style of moderation. They have diverged to an small extent, and that is to be expected. Many members here are members there. Some have used different names in each place, while some have used the same name.

lil_bro, as things stand, there is no way to determine why the servers crashed. Rich does not have possesion of the servers as the actual service provider refuses to release/send them to Rich.


New member
Yessir, . . . me too, . . . thanks to all who participated in getting TFL back up and operating, . . . just below peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, . . . TFL is one of the great little enjoyments of life.

May God bless,