So.Cal. Rabbit...Where?

Omega blood

New member
What's a good Place to go rabbit hunting in So.Cal. I live in Orange County and a few hours drive won't kill me.
Directions and requirements are appreciated.:)


New member
I sometimes go out by landcaster, I go down to ave J drive all the way down towards the hills the pavement ends turns into a dirt road then there is a tire on the right side of the dirt road on a fence post make a left follow the trail a lil bit out and right there I usally see some rabbits. I go there to sight in my guns, we usally take some clay pidgons you can get for cheap at the wal mart out there. If you find anywhere closer let me know, Also what else can you hunt right now in SoCal? I just got a 30-06 I really want to shoot

Omega blood

New member
We (my friends and I) tried Cleveland National Forest. We didn't know where to go but we went intending to hunt rabbit. There is quite a bit to hunt down there including coyote. We didn't see any of it though.:(