Snub nose J frame @ 25 yards


New member
I went to the range a few days ago, and was able to shoot 8 of 10 shots*38spl/DAO at torso sized target at 25 yards. I could not believe the results with the DAO pull. I have been practicing with my LCR-22 around 15-25 yards and was able to do some hits, but then the other day I tried the 38, and WOW!. Could not believe it out of a 1 - 3/8? barrel. I guess the LCR-22 has really helped my trigger pulling and where to hold. :)


New member
If you do your part, the snub will do its part. People think J-frames are not accurate because they have not really tried.
Look up Bob Munden on YouTube.


New member
Some of them are capable of very good accuracy. I'm sure you can find videos of people hitting 4x4ft sheets of drywall at 200 yards.

Hitting the torso at 25 yards is definitely good enough for defensive shooting. With the right loads and practice you can probably get down to head shots at that range! Some dry fire practice with the 38 will help as well although not as much fun as going and shooting with the 22 lol.

Congrats you are definitely on your way man.


Can the .22 Mag LCR shoot .22LR as well? I've got a S&W snubby .38 that I wish I could shoot better. I know its not the gun's fault, and I'd like to practice more. I also like the defensive capabilities of the .22 WMR.


New member
I've got a S&W snubby .38 that I wish I could shoot better.

Last year when I got my 642, I was lucky to hit 5 of 10 at 7-10 yards, the shots would be all over the target, like what!? now I can keep groups and go out to 25 yards. The LCR-22 really helped show me where to hold the sights without paying $17/50rds.

ABout two years ago I was with family at a range, renting guns. One was some Taurus mod 85 w/ hammer, I could not hit the target at 7 yards, no idea where the shots wents. :confused:


New member
I don't know about 25 yards, but I feel proficient with the snub nose j frame to put all 5 rounds into a home invader at the distance that situation would deal with.


New member
While the vast majority of defensive encounters occur at very close range--and present their own aiming issues--longer range confrontations are definitely possible and need to be prepared for.
Besides, it's a fun challenge and a great confidence-builder! :)

When I go to an outdoor range, I plink at the 100yd plates with my snubby and even get some hits! :D


New member
Snubbies are plenty accurate, all it takes is practice make use of it. I've had no problem qualifying on our duty weapon course (3-25yds) with small guns like snubbies and the Kel-tec P3AT.


New member
It's all about practicing a lot,,,

I have a Model 36 that I was doing well to hit the ground with,,,
Then I bought a Model 34 snubbie in .22 LR to practice with.

Now I can hit an 8" paper plate stapled to a man sized target,,,
Pretty much every shot at 25 yards with either gun.

If I brace on an upright pole I can hit clay pigeons 3-4 out of 5 shots

It's difficult to prove causality in a case like this,,,
But I attribute it to lots of inexpensive practice with bulk .22 LR ammo.




New member
Snubbies are plenty accurate. I can hit a 6" plate at 25 yards probably 90% of the time with my S&W 442. It all depends on a proper and consistent trigger pull. Now, shooting five shots in five seconds I can't shoot that well. I have a lot more practicing to do.

This pic is from when I first got the gun and was still a pretty inexperienced shooter. Distance was about 10 yards and group was probably around 1.1". I later painted the front sight ramp with a base coat of white paint and then a bright red/orange color using toothpicks and model car paint. Now I can align the front sight in the rear sight and put it on target much easier.



New member
Snubs are plenty accurate at 25 yards. We routinely shoot steel plates at 20 and I once knocked a plate down at 50 yards in front of several stunned witnesses with my Detective. Now there may have been a bit of luck involved but I can regularly hit a silhouette even at that distance. Snubs are great guns that don't get the respect they deserve.

James K

Member In Memoriam
With some practice, you should be able to keep your shots in 2" at 7 yards and in 6" at 25, shooting slowly (5 shots in 5-10 seconds).



New member
I tried blaming my gun for a flyer once. My old shooting partner just rolled his eyes and gave me one of THOSE looks. Guess I shouldn't try to BS someone who shoots as good (or better) than I do.