SNL slams the NRA last night


New member
On their 28th season preview SNL ran a skit showing two hunters in a duck blind. They had no luck so just before leaving one said "How do I make a long distance collect call?" When Carrot top appeared with his pay phone the other hunted jacked a round into his shotgun and pointed it at him,. The first hunter said "wait a minute. Be sure to take the safety off first." The second hunter said "thanks" and shot Carrot Top. The skit closed with the NRA logo and a message "The NRA. Be sure to take the safety OFF."

I saw this on Fox and friends this morning. I haven't watched SNL since the late 70's.

Marko Kloos

New member
Sounds like good advice to me. If you point the gun at something you wish to destroy, be sure to take the safety off. Hey, there's an idea for one of Oleg's "Public Service Announcement" posters. I'm sure the hysterical antis on certain boards would have seizures. They slam Oleg's posters for perfectly reasonable content...why not give them something to get hysterical about? :D


New member
I like Carrot Top. Too bad they shot him.

"[J]acking a round." Geez. Your weapon should be loaded already! Obviously written by a bunch of East Coast Eloi.:rolleyes:


New member
Saw the clip on FOX too. At the end after the shot (not shown, of course) it was implied that the hunter actually shot the phone and not Carrot Top as he complained about having his phone shot.

It was a small shot at hunters and a bigger one at the NRA but it is SNL, an equal opportunity satirist. Haven't watch them in 15-20 years.


New member
The first NRA Skit where they blew up the Aflac Duck had me cheering! :D Too funny.

You've all seen the Aflac commercials right? The ones where the duck is constantly saying "AFFFFFLLAAACCC" while two miscelanous people talk about disability insurance. It was a perfect parody of one of those commercials. Except instead of the duck just getting ignored he got blown away.
I saw both skits myself. Don't usually watch SNL, but I'd seen part of a promo that indicated they might have the "Schweddy Wiener" skit on -- one that always cracks me up. Anywho, both were funny, and not terribly offensive. SNL didn't pick us out for anything they don't dish out to other groups they lampoon. Yeah, didn't like the message that if you were a bored hunter, it's OK to shoot at a person (if Carrottop can be so described), but at least they did indicate he shot the phone.


New member
What offended me was the potrayal of the NRA sanctioning shooting at people. The only thing that the first hunter found wrong with the second's aiming at a person (Carrot Top) was that the second hadn't removed the safety.


New member
I seen it, and i thought it was funny. Especially when they said(something like) remember to take off the saftey before you shoot....Hey at least the 2 guys wern't 2 drunk rednecks....they were 2 guys who were practicing good gun saftey:)
Hey who WOULDN"T shoot carrot top??

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Guys, come on, let's not borrow trouble. I saw the skit and it didn't bother me a bit. In fact, I was surprised to find that they hadn't done anything insulting to the NRA. I don't think anyone here can name how, specifically, SNL "slammed" the NRA.

They slammed Carrot Top, which is OK with me, since he's quite annoying. And they slammed that AFLAC duck; again, quite annoying and ripe for parody. What's the big deal?

If they start doing skits with the NRA in them that don't bash the NRA and we keep screaming about their bias, we're going to look silly to the public.


New member
I agree...the AFLAC duck skit was funny. I must have missed the Carrot Top skit. Who in heck is Carrot Top?


New member
Carrot Top is a comedian who was, once upon a time, quite funny.
Now he's just really lame.
He's the freaky looking dude with the red hair in all those '1-800-CALL-ATT' ads.

Usually this kind of thing wouldn't bother me, nor, do I imagine it would bother most of us.

However, given the situation in Maryland, the timing of the skit makes it in very poor taste.


New member
They Slam everybody. It ain't no big Thang.



New member
However, given the situation in Maryland, the timing of the skit makes it in very poor taste.

Or deliberate...associate the NRA with the shootings which are on everyone's mind. Hadn't thought of that...

duck hunt

New member
Well, that answers that.

Shin-Tao to me after the second commercial:

"I wonder if TFLers are going to lose their sense of humor over this?"

Looks like most of you are able to recognize comedy when you see it. Good work!