"Sniper" wanted to blow up a Tanker Truck

Nanaimo Barr

New member

(Surrey is a district just north of the Border and south of Vancouver BC Canada NB)

Sniper suspect wooed Sikh
Alleged U.S. sniper wanted Surrey contact for help with rifle silencer

Salim Jiwa
The Province

Tuesday, October 29, 2002
The Associated Press
Harjeet Singh of Bellingham, Wash., told police of his talks with sniper suspect John Muhammad.

Washington, D.C., sniper suspect John Muhammad asked a Bellingham man if he knew anyone in the large Sikh population in Surrey who could machine-grind a gun silencer for a high-powered rifle out of a metal rod, says a man who befriended him.

"He was familiar with Surrey and knew there was a large Punjabi population, and he wanted to know if I knew somebody who owned a metal machine shop who could grind down the silencer for him," Harjeet Singh, a Bellingham man who befriended Muhammad in February 2002, told The Province yesterday.

Jerry Page, a manager at the Light House Mission, said Muhammad -- a suspect in the slaying of 10 people in and around Washington, D.C. -- told him, about eight months before the shooting spree, that he was headed for Vancouver to help renovate a friend's home.

Muhammad lived at the mission on and off between August 2001 and Jan. 27 this year.

The RCMP confirmed yesterday they have now opened a file on Muhammad. RCMP immigration and passport section chief Staff-Sgt. Rocky Rockwell said the FBI called yesterday and asked for information on Muhammad.

"The FBI is interested in collating information with the RCMP," Rockwell said. "The RCMP have generated an investigation to collate information coming in which may relate to the fact that Muhammad may or may not have come to Canada."

Harjeet Singh, who has family in Vancouver, said he told the Whatcom County police and the FBI in Bellingham in June, four months before the shooting spree, that Muhammad had toyed with the idea of blowing up a loaded fuel-tanker truck on a U.S. freeway.

Singh said he was sitting with Muhammad and his teenage co-accused Lee Malvo at a restaurant inside the Food Co-op in Bellingham in May when Muhammad removed a metal rod from his duffel bag.

"He had a blueprint with him on how to make a silencer and a solid metal rod about 20 inches long," said Singh.

He said Muhammad told him: "You have no idea what you can do with this."

"He said he wanted to shoot policemen. He said he wanted to blow up a fuel tanker on a freeway and cause maximum damage."

Singh said Muhammad had a Greyhound bus ticket with him when he made inquiries about who could machine the metal rod into a silencer in Surrey. He said Muhammad did not want to go to a shop in Bellingham because "white people would know what that was."

Singh was arrested on June 4 for alleged domestic violence. Singh said he told a Whatcom County Sheriff's Office detective at that time what he knew about Muhammad. He said he repeated the information to an FBI agent.

"I told them his name, the fact that he was an ex-soldier, his description and the fact he wanted to blow up a fuel tanker. But I don't think they believed me."

© Copyright 2002 The Province


New member
Doh... I don't think that he was too good a machinist... A suppressor could be made in under an hour with a hobbyist lathe, some decent tubing, and some disks of the correct size.


New member
If you're going to blow up a fuel tanker then why waste your time on a silencer? Hide the little bang from the big BOOM ?
Why a solid metal rod anyway? I think somebody's been reading way to much Anarchists Cookbook.



New member
a duct taped wrapped 2 liter bottle
would be a better starting point than a steel rod
:eek: This guy really needs help. He's a one man terrorist organization and if it were up to me, I'd rub him in pig guts, sew him into a pig leather jumpsuit and shoot him. Rehabilitation through reincarnation! He won't get to paradise and that's exactly what he deserves.


Member In Memoriam
A silencer for a rifle? Blowing up a tanker truck with a rifle shot?

The boy ain't no rocket scientist. No wonder he was shooting sheeple instead of LEO's or other armed people.

A silencer is not very effective at all on a supersonic round. Look at the difference between a standard velocity 22LR and a high velocity one. The sharp crack of the latter is not from increased power but rather the sonic boom of the bullet.

A tanker probably has a mixture in the tank too rich to burn. A bullet will puncure it but it will not blow even if the bullet sparks inside the tank. If he punctures the tank below the liquid level the liquid will leak out but will still need an ignition source to burn.

Now if he could stop the tanker truck and punch enough holes in the tank and then ignite that eventually it may blow from being engulfed in flames (A bleve), but more likely will just burn.