sniper related question


New member
Benchresters and many other shooters know that the first shot from a 'clean, unfouled' barrel will have a different POI from those following--and certainly so if the barrel has oil remaining in it.

What do LEO snipers do-sight in with a 'clean' barrel, keep a fouled barrel ready to go, keep in mind that the first shot has a different POI from the rest, or just never mind the difference?


New member
I can't speak for other departments, but our guys use a clean bore. Hence, the most important shot is the cold bore shot. It is the first one in training, and has to be on target. Most all keep their rifles "duty ready", that is cleaned completely.
Out of their rifle barrels, shots from a fouled bore do not change impact enough to make a difference, and they all shoot 1/2MOA to 3/4 MOA.
Some of the guys I shoot with did this before a rifle competition. The results: one guy made it to the shoot off, one did not have a good day. The rifles were the same for all purposes: Hart barrels, 16x Mk IVs, Baker special stocks.


Member In Memoriam
Best way is to keep track of varying conditions & how your rifle shoots under those conditions. Takes range time & keeping records.

Check POI with clean/cold bbl & that with "fouled" for that critical first shot.

Only way to be sure for what you have.

I'd imagine each dept. uses different methods.