"Sniper Attack" in Cali ABCNEWS reports


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April 11 — At least two people were killed today when gunshots rang out at a San Diego senior citizens center in what appeared to be a sniper attack, Chula Vista police said.

Authorities are looking for at least one suspect, said police Lt. Gary Wedge said. The shooting took place at Congregational Towers, a senior citizens center in Chula Vista at around 2:50 p.m. local time.
Police, who arrived at the scene minutes after the shooting was reported, were fired upon six times according to Sgt. David Eisenberg.

Police are trying to determine exactly where the shots came from and whether the suspect could be in the building. Police have evacuated the building while they search for gunman and an evacuation site with nurses and counselors was set up at a gymnasium nearby.

In addition, traffic has been sealed off around the center as SWAT units and police helicopters are also in search of the shooter. Building residents in the surrounding area are also under lockdown.

Witnesses said the gunman appeared to be a white male.

"He didn't look like one of the residents," one witness said.

The names of the dead have not been released. Both were found in the lobby of the building, Wedge said.

This is the third shooting to rock the San Diego area in recent months. Last month, there were two separate school shootings at Santana High School in Santee, Calif. and Granite Hills High School in nearby El Cajon.

"There are just so many bad things happening right now," witness Erica Kimball said. "I don't know why someone would do this."

ABC Affiliate KGTV contributed to this report.
What do you want to bet that the killer has one of them evil, no-good "sniper" rifles like the military uses with a big scope and a bolt-action! They oughtta ban those things!

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Yep, just wait till they hold up volley sights as evidence that an 1898 Lee-Metford is a deadly sniper gun with range of 2km...

FWIW, I think Germany regulates basic Mauser K98 as a "weapon of war". I am beginning to wonder how it is possible that so-called free world has harsher restrictions on firearms than even Russia...


New member
I read a story a couple of years ago where somewhere in CA there was a sniper attack...but the irony was that the "sniper" used a Raven .25! The media is insane! Well maybe not insane, just INCREDIBLY stupid!


New member
I live in San Diego, and was listening to this incident on my scanner. The shooter was using a pistol and shot all his victims (3 total, all died) face-to-face, before killing himself. He was no sniper. The media is too concerned about sensationalism. Sniper just sounds too cool not to use. I was watching the news as I listened to the scanner, and those reporters sounded like a bunch of idiots. The shooter was pissed-off that the rent was raised and was being evicted the next day.


New member
When they do that sort of thing you need to call the newsroom and call them on it. I do. They shouldn't be able to get away with this s--- without knowing someone is watching, or listening in your case, them. They are getting their live updates off of the same scanners you are and you need to tell them that creative journalism and bending the facts for ratings is yellow journalism.