Sneaky 9mm

chris in va

New member
Good thing I inspect every single range pickup. First it was the S&Bm (Makarov), now this.

9mmBr. (Browning, 380 Auto). Jeez louise.
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New member
All of S&B's .380's are marked as such, at least currently. I don't ever recall seeing a different head stamp.

De-prime one -- you won't believe how ridiculously clean the primer pocket is. I don't know what they use for a primer, but you could eat a meal out of that pocket. (a small meal, but I digress)


New member
De-prime one -- you won't believe how ridiculously clean the primer pocket is. I don't know what they use for a primer, but you could eat a meal out of that pocket. (a small meal, but I digress)

Yes... but, many of my recent pickups (9mm and .380) have had steel primer cups. If the cases sat in the elements for a while; they run about a 50% chance of losing the bottom plate of the primer, but leaving the body of the primer cup in the case when decapping. Stupid, unseen rust - It's no fun...