Snap Caps


New member
Do any of you keep your semi-autos with a snap cap in the chamber, regardless of whether you leave the magazine in or not?


No, that would be too confusing trying to remember which ones are loaded and which one are not. Home invasions are on the rise so everything is loaded or completely unloaded.


New member
I have pistols in the safe that I practice with that have snap caps in them. Everything gets checked multiple times when its picked up anyway, so I dont see that its a problem. Snap caps and ammo are usually not in the same gun, unless for stoppage practice at the range.


New member
I do not use snap caps in my pistols. Modern center fire Semi-Automatics are not harmed by dry fire.


New member
I guess that could depend on how much you actually dry fire. The only rifle I had a firing pin break on was a Springfield M1A that was dry fired constantly without a snap cap. Most everything I do dry fire, has a cap in it when I do. I figure it cant hurt, and it adds another level of safety as the cap will replace anything that is already in the chamber, if on the odd chance that somehow the gun was loaded when it was picked up.


New member
I do not use snap caps in my pistols. Modern center fire Semi-Automatics are not harmed by dry fire.

Is this true? :confused:

I have always been told to avoid dry fire as it causes undue wear.



New member
Generally on a center fire pistol they aren't harmed by dry firing - and I don't store mine with a snap cap in them.

However, if I'm going to do any extended "dry firing" I will often put a "dummy round" in the gun, even though I know it's not necessary, it makes me feel better.

I use snap caps on my shotguns to take the pressure off the firing pin springs before I store the guns in the safe.