Snap Caps - how long do they last?


New member
I haven't been able to get an answer to this question on some other forums, maybe there is a snap cap expert out there on TFL.

All of my snap caps get dented in the "primer" pretty quickly (20-40 snaps) and I am concerned that they are no longer providing the protection they are supposed to.
I have blue/red/red-orange snap caps in .32, 9MM, .357 and .45 made by 3-4 different manufacturers. Some of the companies are "pachmahr", "traditions" and "armsport".
The "primer" on all of these dents in pretty quickly and I am wondering if after 40 - 50 snaps if the firing pin is really making contact with the "primer" or if it is just striking in the indentation and no longer making contact.
Can anyone help?

[This message has been edited by alamo (edited July 24, 2000).]

Kentucky Rifle

New member
I just went and got the only snap caps I have. (.32ACP) You're right. There is a pretty good dent in the primer area. However, they seem to reset back each time I try them in my .32's, so I think I'm going to keep using them until they get a hole where the dent now is. (Or until someone comes on with a reason as to why I shouldn't.)


Mendacity is the system we live in.


New member
When they wear out, the spring fails and the little brass dot in the middle where the firing pin strikes will fall out altogether.
