Snake boot suggestions


New member
I need some suggestions for a snake boots to wear while hunting in warm weather. I'm looking for something waterproof and doesn't cost an arm and a leg.


New member
I just bought some Danner Pronghorns. They are replacing a set of Redhead zip-ups that did their job but were not very comfortable walking around in for long plus aren't totally waterproof.

If I had to do it all again, I'd probably think about using gaiters over normal boots. That way, I could use rubber boots when it is really wet and canvas boots when it is dry.

The new Danners aren't broken in yet so they are still hurting my ankles. I need to spend more time in them before hunting season starts (less than a week).


New member
I have a pair of Chippewa's with leather lowers and nylon uppers that i love. I even intentionally tried them on a water moccasin:eek:. They work!


New member
I have a pair or LaCrosse with the zip up sides, not sure of the name. The boots are comfortable for snake boots but a word to the wise, wear socks. I hate wearing socks in the summer or warm weather but those dern things developed a funk like no other boots I've ever had. I have washed them 4X and aired them outside, they are just now getting to where I can wear them again and feel confident the deer won't know I'm there from a mile out.


New member

I had something like that happen with one of my insulated rubber boots.
I took a sock and filled it with baking powder and tied off the top and left the sock crammed in the bottom of the boot for few weeks and the smell went away. Now, I do this with all my hunting/hiking/work boots once or twice a year.