Smoke This, Bill !


New member
This is hilarious! Thought I would share it with my friends at TFL.


Clinton Offered Box of Cuban Cigars

( - President Clinton reportedly looked irritated and smiled politely when German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder offered him a box of Cuban cigars at dinner Thursday night. Schroeder's offer, reported by Reuters, came on the same day a federal appeals court refused to grant Elian Gonzalez an asylum hearing. Cigars also figure in the more lurid details of Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky. According to the wire report, witnesses said the president stopped laughing at the Berlin restaurant when Schroeder offered him cigars that another German official had purchased in Cuba last week. A trade embargo prevents Cuban cigars from being imported into the United States. No word on whether Clinton actually accepted the gift.

Jim V

New member
I wish he was, tho. Inhale, that is.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"