Smith & Wesson M&P SHIELD™ 9mm vs. Beretta Nano!

+1k ammo

New member
I have been tossing up between these two and also C and P Kahr and SCCY, but it has been all on paper.

Finally went into somewhat near Lgs and of course they did not have any in stock but I did get to handle the range gun and compare to the in-stock Nano. Both were good size and SLIM! However, my first hand remarks are below on comparing them:

1. S&W - Felt great in my hand. Had the extended mag, which it will come with one extended and one regular. Pointed well and felt very stable and solid. Nice slide and controls. Trigger felt good.

2. Beretta - Very nice solid feel as well, good looking slide etc. Few things which put me off for now. There is no slide release lever! Just like my cheapo Hi-Point, you have to drop the mag and then re-rack the slide a notch further back to release it. I DO not like that. It confuses me in the moment, while hitting a slide release is more natural. Also, the trigger is good, but very very looooong. My Px4 is long also, but I liked the S&W better. And lastly, the gun just did not feel as good in my hand. Thought it would better, because I think my Beretta px4 is one of the best feeling guns I have? Oh well.

I love Beretta's, its just these few things pushed the Shield into my first choice.

I liked the Shield so much I bought one! It will be about a month out, but I put a deposit and did the paperwork, so when it does come in I can just go in and pick it up. 439 was not bad and I did not have to go through the buying online and shipping and transfer fee. Also gives me free day pass at the range, so when I pick it up I can go over and play with it for a while.

Can't wait till it comes in, but though a first hand account of these two would be good since even the Youtube videos sometimes do not really tell you much information.

Not that I care, but there was a sign on the door that said 9mm range ammo is out! I reload, so I don't buy much 9mm ammo, but I guess the shortage is all over. This was in near suburb of Chicago.

+1k ammo

New member
I guess I am cought up in the buying frenzy!

No question, just to point out some of the differences that I did not catch before seeing in hand.


New member
Yeah, when I held the Nano, I was really disappointed that it didn't have a slide release lever. It was weird to me.

Congrats on your purchase though! Hopefully it doesn't take to long to come in.


New member
I have both and prefer the nano. I don't want any of the levers ,slide releases or safeties on my guns. I am left handed the nano is best for me. I do like the trigger on the shield better and slightly better grip, but the nano shoots better, less recoil and shoots where i point it. The shield does not, it hits high and right. The nano is built like a tank. My biggest fear with the shield is the safety is going to somehow get engaged and I have no way of releasing this tinny thing being a lefty. I like the nano because is works exactly like my walther ppk which is my all the time gun. My finger is all I need, for a safety. When your adrenalin kicks in, your fine motor skills go by by. Small levers and safeties are going to be a tough nut. Grabbing the whole slide and working it is going to work much better than a small slide release. Sorry for ranting on but seen way too much in my life with guns and gun handling. The shield is a very good gun you will like it but forget the controls.

Bongo Boy

New member
Congratulations! I've heard no negative comments on the Shield at all, and have a couple of M&Ps which I feel are excellent guns in terms of ergonomics, function and aesthetics.

As far as a slide release, both tabs on my M&P slide release were broken off for at least a year and in that time not once did I ever miss having a slide release. I don't believe I ever use the slide release on any of my handguns with the only exception being the Kahr K40. So, not having one at all would, to me, be a plus because then there'd be no chance at all of ever suddenly and for no reason changing an ingrained habit. I hate it when that happens--it always seems to be some bizarre mental screw up, a pause to reflect maybe.

The Nano, to me, is aesthetically a marvel--it's really quite a nicely made gun. However, it felt to me as though the bore axis was way up there even higher than it is. It's just a tall-in-the-saddle feeling gun, and it also felt as though it would be a real pain to shoot. Had a club member go on and on about how comfortable and accurate he could shoot with his, though.

Anyway, down the road let us know what you think of the Shield--I think you're going to enjoy it if it is anything like my two M&Ps. They are both a pleasure in all respects.


New member
I also have a Nano and I love it. The Nano is very sleek in the fact that it has no protrusions off the sides. It has no chance of getting caught up or snagged on the safety lever or slide release. I am able to insert a new mag and rack the slide just as fast as someone who would drop the slide with the slide release, so i personally dont see the lack of a slide release as a deal breaker for me. The trigger pull is long and heavy with it being a DAO pistol but is also very smooth. Once you get used to that it will be a very accurate gun for you. I've put about 500 rounds thru my Nano so far and have only had 2 FTE's, and this was with some remanufatured range ammo.


New member
In the absence of a slide-release lever, does the slide stay open on the last shot with the Nano? And, if it does, what holds it open? Just curious.


New member
dgludwig.....Yes the slide does stay open after the last round. I dont know what holds it open. It must be some kind of internal locking mechanism. So you can drop the empty mag, insert a new mag, and pull the slide back a little to chamber your next round.

+1k ammo

New member
Thanks for the Nano info. As I said, both were fine looking weapons.

The Nano, to me, is aesthetically a marvel--it's really quite a nicely made gun. However, it felt to me as though the bore axis was way up there even higher than it is. It's just a tall-in-the-saddle feeling gun

And I agree with above. That is kinda of what I felt when I was looking at it. Very nice, but just felt a little tall in my hand.

They, however, were in stock, so instead of waiting several weeks (I could have bought the Nano and picked up tomorrow (72hr waiting time)! Was very tempting but the Shield just felt a little better.

I'll see for sure when it gets in but it will be a while!


New member
Congrats... nor have I heard anything negative on the Shield. Everyone who has them seems to like em, and all comments have been positive as far as I know.


Like any other semi auto, it is the magazine follower that locks the slide open. When all the rounds are out, the follower rises up a bit and catches the slide. it's why you can drop the slide on an empty mag. when you press the slide lock it lowers the mag follower enough to unlock the slide.


New member
The Nano is very sleek in the fact that it has no protrusions off the sides. It has no chance of getting caught up or snagged on the safety lever or slide release.

In the absence of a slide-release lever, does the slide stay open on the last shot with the Nano? And, if it does, what holds it open?

it's why you can drop the slide on an empty mag. when you press the slide lock it lowers the mag follower enough to unlock the slide.

Homerboy, the reason I asked the question I did is because it is reported that the Nano has no slide release/lock. So, how do you "press the slide lock" if the pistol doesn't have any?

I do recall that you could add an extended follower to the magazine of a Ruger MK I pistol so that, even though the pistol lacked a slide release/lock, the slide would stay open on the last shot by the slide catching the extended follower. This "system" was not altogether satisfactory because the pressure of the slide against the extended follower required having to hold it (the slide) back with one hand, while you removed the magazine (via the already inconvenient butt heel mag-catch) with the other. Which is why I much prefer the MK II version-it has a slide release/lock added to the pistol.