New member
Was talking to local gunshop owner and was asking about S&W restrictions and how they affected him... He said "It doesn`t !"

Was told that S&W "BACKED OUT" of their agreement with the "GUBMENT" !!!? :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Was hoping for confirmation and feedback on this latest development...


[This message has been edited by GIT_SOME.45 (edited July 21, 2000).]


Moderator Emeritus
Nope, I don’t think so.

Found this just now, but it’s a far cry from nullifying the agreement.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Gunmaker gets no preference
Senate fires back at S & W
Associated Press

WASHINGTON - A Senate panel yesterday dealt a blow to Smith & Wesson, the giant gunmaker that promised last March to adopt gun-safety measures.

A subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee voted to prohibit the government from giving a preference to Smith & Wesson when purchasing arms for federal law enforcement officers.

Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., sought to strike the language from a spending bill, but the effort was rejected by voice vote.

Under a pact reached with the Clinton administration last March, Smith & Wesson agreed to begin including childproof locks on its guns, require its dealers to conduct background checks on purchasers and take other safety steps. In exchange, the federal government - and a group of states and communities - agreed to drop lawsuits against the company and refrain from filing new ones.

In addition, 515 communities have agreed to give Smith & Wesson a preference when buying arms for law enforcement personnel - a provision that seven other gunmakers have challenged in court.

The federal government has not yet agreed to give such a preference, though officials have discussed it, said Sandi Abadinsky, spokeswoman for the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the lead agency on the issue.

Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., said the preference language "would be anti-competitive" and "could affect law-enforcement safety" by encouraging communities to buy weapons that don't meet their needs.

But Dorgan said communities were not required to give preferences and said of restrictive language in the bill, "I think it sends the wrong message to Smith & Wesson . . . and the public."

The provision was included in a $29 billion measure financing the Treasury Department and several smaller agencies next year. Identical language was included in the version of that bill the House Appropriations Committee approved on Tuesday.

The Senate bill also:

Cuts more than $400 million from President Clinton's $9 billion request for the Internal Revenue Service. The White House has threatened to veto the House version of the bill partly because of that reduction.

Opens the door for a 2.7 percent pay raise in January for members of Congress, which would add $3,800 to their current $141,300-a-year salaries. The House bill would do the same.[/quote]

This is just a subcommittee of a committee and is certainly not carved in stone, not yet anyway. One can always hope, though.

"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Except for Hamilton County until August 11th.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website

[This message has been edited by TheBluesMan (edited July 21, 2000).]


New member
S&W committed suicide when it surrendered to Clinton. It has closed its Springfield plant for a month (and may be extended to all summer) and is offering through its dealers a $50 rebate on any new gun bought.

Payback's a bitch.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
No prefrence?

BWAH HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!


Some body IN THE USA needs to grab the raines of S&W and set it straight... the current upper level management and related legal council need to be dismissed with out severance packages. S&W needs to be saved. Dispite the jackass actions of its current management - the company deserves at least a dignified death or better yet a stay of execution. Because - to be honest - there may be a S&W product that I want...
It would also be very cool if they made a few CAS type models to combat Ruger's cowboy monopoly.

You might laugh in the face of FEAR... but unless your armed, its a nervous, unconvincing, little laugh.


New member
Yes, I understand what you`re saying...


He`s selling S&W in his store and it doesn`t affect any sales on other weapons being sold or quantities at a time...


Nothing illegal going on there,
Just no LEGALLY binding need to follow the "AGREEMENT"...

What`s really going on???


[This message has been edited by GIT_SOME.45 (edited July 22, 2000).]

David Roberson

New member
Git Some, many shops are still selling Slick & Wesson because they haven't yet had to sign the agreement, i.e. their current contracts have not expired. One dealer
I know says he expects to be asked to sign the agreement in December, and he plans then to tell Ed Schultz to s..., er, he will decline to sell S&W products.


New member
Since the agreement has yet to go into full effect, S&W dealers may be misinformed as to the draconian restrictions on their way down the pipeline. I will NOT purchase ANY S&W product until either: A. The agreement is nullified completely, or B. S&W goes out of business, and is bought by a pro-RKBA group. I would urge all other RKBA freedom lovers to do the same.


New member
Shortly after the agreement, I ran into the owner of my favorite gunshop at a local gunshow. I asked him what he was planning to do since he is a big S&W dealer in our area.
He told me that he wasn't sure and that he was going to wait until the end of the year to decide.
I was in his shop about a month ago and overheard him tell another customer, who was looking at S&W's, that if he wanted one he should get it now, because once his present stock is gone he won't be selling any more.
He then proceeded to rant about the agreement and basically talked the guy out of a S&W.
I guess he made his mind up a little sooner than he thought he would.


New member
Its pretty much the same here....No one I know of is selling new s/w's....which unfortunately has caused the once inexpensive markett in my area for used s/w products to increase accordingly and that bites.....
As much as I like and enjoy s/w revolvers Im of the opinion that s/w needs to go tit's up here. Ya'll just dont know how much that hurts me......later fubsy.


New member
The local emporium that I frequent will not sign the agreement when it comes due, He will no longer sell S&W. He has started to carry more Taurus and is a big Glock seller.
He may also look at picking up on Beretta.
He is kind of hoping this will go away after the November elections.

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.