smith wesson 657 3 inch ?


New member
My father passed away in 1989 when I was nine years old. I have been left a extensive collection of firearms. I am very proud of my collection, but I have three pistols that I need some id help with. This picture is a model 657 .41 mag three inch barrel. serial #ane3xxx. I also have a 624 44 special, and a 686 .357 all three are in the same figuration as this 657, 3 inch finger groverips adjustable sights. I have the boxes for these so I know they are original guns from s & w. My question is they dont list 3 inch guns in any of the listings in blue book. Any smith guys out there can give me som info? the 657 has had the trigger and hammer jeweled, the rest are stock. Thanks richard.


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gun nut

New member
Sorry my info on the 657 only shows 4, 6, 7 1/2, 8 3/8. Maybe its from the s&w performance center. I did find one pc listing with a 2 5/8 non fluted cylinder in 1999. That's the closest I found.
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New member
My guess would be that some distributor had them made, in which case they would be a non-cataloged item. Jon Jovino, (a gun distributor in New York City) had a buch of 3 inch 57's and 24's made about 15 (I think) years ago. I don't rememner if he had any made in stainless at a later date.


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Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson

I looked in the SCSW under model 657 and found some information:

1. Product code 103951 in 1986 was a 3 inch round butt.

2. In 1998 there were up to 200 657s with 3 inch barrel manufactured for distributor Lew Horton. These would be too late to be your gun, however.

3. The ANE serial prefix is not specifically mentioned, but seems to fall about 1986 in the serial number sequence starting with A.

Look on the gun's box and see if the product code number is 103951. I suspect that it will be.
Lew Horton would make another possible source.
Just wanted to comment, beautiful weapon, sorry how it came into your possession though. your dad had damn good taste though. Any chance you could post a pic with all 3 of them together?
That .41 though, anything a handgun can do, it can do.


New member
yes, i will try to later tonight or tommorow. i will include a couple more also. i was left over 50 pistols and that many rifles luckly he was a ruger and smith man:D


New member
1. .357,44 special,41 magnum
2. custom 29-2
3. 29-2 port and crown


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Thanks, got some new future screensavers now for sure. Really nice.
Out of those 3 on top, is the .44 Special the one with tapered/Mountain Gunish looking barrel? I saw a ltd. edition model 25 in .45 Auto set up like that, one sexy N frame.

Beautiful, quality and functional art irons, but could have done without seeing the Python, had to sell mine a couple weeks ago and got gouged at that, then my soon to be ex blew the money on beer and fireworks for her family. The literal last straw. Thankfully didn't have leather or too much ammo yet, and the FFL who bought it and 3 other of my pieces only wants 700 for it, hopefully I can get it back. Loved that gun, wanted one since a little kid (we're the same age), and it was all I'd hoped for and beyond. Never handled a Korth, but doubt it could possibly be much better than a Python, flashy pimp cosmetics aside.

There is a renaissance for wheelguns right now, for me it was boredom with cookie cutter poly autos and already having a 1911, and the cool N and other frames Smith's been coming out with. I like all your originals though. Did you inherit any Ruger Six series? Wanted a Speed 6 9mm or .357 for a long time, Ruger should bring those back (GP and SP's are good as well but for the opposite reason).

Great stuff buddy.


New member
Sweet. Those 3" .41's are hard to come bye. I have a Horton 629 that is set up just like your 657. My guess would be it is a Horton also.

Enjoy your's fathers heritage. It is still bitter sweet when I handle my dads Colt and he has been gone for 8 years.


New member
3 inch S&W 657

I have one of the 80's 3 inch 657 .41 Magnums.
It shot extremely well with 17.5 grains of 2400 [210 grain bullet] for about 3 years. It ws necessary to send it back to Smith. They said the FRAME WAS STRESSED and was re-framed at my expense. The gun came back a square but instead of the original round butt. I have been shooting .41 Special loads in it ever sense.


New member
That is a beauty. A local dealer has one just like it--saw it Friday. Been thinking about it ever since...might have to go back and make an offer.


New member
I have a 3" 657 ANE4xxx. No box or info with it. It is a good shooter. It seems to like my 8gr Unique target loads.

I'm not much of a collector, but I've also heard 1986 or so was when these guns came out.


New member
I owned a 3" 657 Horton several years ago and it was stolen. It was a fantastic shooter. 200gr HP @1298. 1986 is about right.


New member
Lew Horton would make another possible source.
+1, Lew Horton sold a whole lineup of 3" RB S&W L frames and N frames with finger groove combat stocks. I've seen M686s, M624s, M629s, and M657s with and without Magna-Ported barrels.


New member
The model 657 is somewhat scarce, the 3" models in particular. I happened into a nice one a few years back complete with box & papers. It's a great gun to tote around in the woods and offers just about the ideal combination of packability, firepower and style.
