Smith M&P vs Springfield XD Range Report


New member
After a few months a debating I picked up a new M&P in 9mm. I also own an XD in 9mm for about a year now. I decided to shoot them together this weekend. The groups on both guns is very nice and I didn't feel much recoil out of either. I was shooting Remington Green box ammo. Target was at 30 feet. I can't tell you that one really out shot or felt better than the other. Both guns do very well for a person that likes to punch paper, like myself.

Smith & Wesson M&P 17 rounds at 30 FEET.


Springfield XD 9mm 15 Rounds at 30 feet


The debate will continue on which is a better gun. I bought the M&P for $369 NIB. For under four bills the M&P is a GREAT BUY. (


New member
Now granted, you haven't had the M&P that long, so maybe you still need to get used to it, but other than that, it lookslike your XD put your shots closer to the target more so than the M&P


New member
Now granted, you haven't had the M&P that long, so maybe you still need to get used to it, but other than that, it lookslike your XD put your shots closer to the target more so than the M&P

Only had an few boxes of ammo and several guns to shoot. I hope to get more practice in on the M&P next week. I think my grip is off a bit, all four guns I shot were hitting left.


New member
You've got some flyers with the M&P and are tight with the XD. This tells me that you need a little more trigger time with the M&P and every shot will be tearing the center ring out. It looks to be more accurate then the XD.


You've got some flyers with the M&P and are tight with the XD. This tells me that you need a little more trigger time with the M&P and every shot will be tearing the center ring out. It looks to be more accurate then the XD

What are you looking at??? The XD is obviously more accurate. It's apparent to me from reading your other posts you don't like the XD. Thats ok...I don't like your block grip glock.


I'm sure you do...well the XD torture test was way more hardcore than Glocks....I have XD45 and I will whoop any glock....wanna go?


New member
My screw driver is the best screw driver, all other screw drivers are bad.

My screw driver's handle is more ergonomic and it can screw more screws than yours.

...wanna go?


New member

Just out of curiosity, how many guns do you own? Just the XD? Be honest...

If you have had experience shooting different types pf pistols you would know that a statement such as "My XD is better than X and X" is pretty naive (sic).

I can shoot my Sig better than any pistol I have ever owned or shot. Does that mean it is better than a Glock, XD, H&K, etc etc? No, it just means I like it the best. To each his own.

I'm sure there is someone out there that could take a $200.00 semi-auto and outshoot your XD, as they could my Sig.

XD is a fine firearm and I am planning on purchasing the XD .45 very soon.

But don't think just because you bought one it is the greatest handgun on the planet.

Your posts are becoming repetitive and tiresome.

If you are going to contribute, say something other than "My XD is better than any Glock" or whatever.

With respect,



New member
Back on topic.

Both guns look like they shoot fine groups. The next time you're out. Circle 3 or 5 shot groups with colored pen or pencil. A different color for each group. That allows you to judge the accuracy of a series of shots, and compare it to consecutive series from the same gun. Not to metion it lets us all know how they grouped when we're looking at the target, and see which flyers pair up with which group.
You could have grouped the three on the bottom left of the M&P target in one run, or had three really hard slaps on the trigger. :)

Just a thought.


I own yes a XD45 my only plastic other than that I have the following....Colt 70 series Government Model, Colt 80 series Commander, Colt Gunsight, Colt 1991 NRM Commader, Colt Gold Cup Trophy, Colt Special Combat Govt.,Colt XSE, Wilson Pro Mod, Wilson Protector, Wilson CQB, Nighthawk Talon I and II, Nighthawk Predator, Nighthawk GRP Recon, SA TRP PRO MOD, SA Custom Loaded Trophy Match, SA Operator, Kimber Eclipse Custom II, Kimber Eclipse Pro II, Kimber Tacticul Custom, SW 1911 Gvt. :D


New member
My thought on the M&P is that it may turn out to be absolutely fantastic, although I personally think it is wise to wait until the kinks are discovered and fixed. It looks as though the XD has worked out its kinks, except for maybe the lock-up problem showing up on some of the XD45's (curiously de-evolved from properly containing the base of the guide-rod). The other problem is that Springfield won't sell parts and instead requires owners experiencing problems to ship their pistols to them for warranty work.

That said, I don't own an M&P, but do own an early XD-40 (which I had refinished by Mac's). No complaints from me so far. Extremely reliable (i.e. 100%), over-built like a tank, and pleasant to shoot. I only wish I would have followed my own advice and waited a little longer for the kinks to be worked out. As it is, I will be keeping a close look at my older-design locking block.


New member
an old saying is never buy the first version of anything

I just bought a Jeep Commander three months ago (1st year vehicle) and bought a S&W M&P 9 about an hour ago.

I hope that I don't regret the 9 as much as I regret the jeep!