smith and wesson was very helpful, but a little slow...


New member
i encountered a problem with my sw40ve. the rear sight was loose and could not be tightened. here was my initial email contact with them...

In the interest of protecting myself and my family in a rapidly declining neighborhood, I recently took all the necessary courses and obtained a license to carry a concealed firearm. Of course, I wanted a gun I could depend on, from a reliable manufacturer, and one I knew would be of top quality.

I chose the SW40VE. It was within my budget, and you folks had attached your good name to it. I researched in online, and despite some people not liking the tight trigger, which I actually prefer, there were no major complaints. I have felt confident and secure with my weapon.

...Until two days ago. Upon inspecting my weapon, I saw that the rear sight was far, far to the right of center. I can't imagine it had been this way for long, as I inspect my weapon regularly. Upon closer inspection, I found I could move it, rather easily, with just my pointer and thumb. I stripped the weapon to see if perhaps there were some sort of tightening mechanism that I was unaware of. There wasn't. After adjusting it to the best of my ability without being able to take it to the range as of yet, it seems to have tightened up slightly. That being said, my confidence is gone. I cannot place confidence in a gun that I cannot aim. Even if I just left the range, I cannot rightly say that the sight has not moved. God forbid I should have had to have used it that night before I realized the issue. There is no telling what, or for that matter who I may have shot in an attempt to defend myself or my family. I cannot, with good conscience, use the gun as anything more than a gut shooter as of now. That is not what I purchased.

I will not accept any resolution short of a repair or replacement. I do not want to hear that you cannot replicate the problem. I do not want to hear that it is somehow the result of my actions, as I have treated my gun with the care a weapon deserves, and I am the sole owner and handler of the weapon. It has never left my sight beyond being placed in a safe that only I have access to.

I implore you to correct this situation. It is on you to save your name. I will tell everyone I know, everyone I talk to about guns or safety the exact outcome of this situation and your handling of a product that could be infinitely dangerous to those I love.

As I await your response, my gun remains locked up, and I am carrying a weapon from another manufacturer, a weapon I have had absolutely no problems with whatsoever.
about a week later, i emailed them again, simply asking for a resolution. i finally called them, and they arranged to send me a label to return my gun to them. the same morning, they replied back to my email that if i called, they could arrange to have a new sight shipped to me. i replied that i would prefer that option, although they had arranged to send me a shipping label instead. the same afternoon, they emailed me simply saying that if i gave them my adress. they would go ahead and ship the sight.

remaining true to my word, i wanted all of you to know that i am completely satisfied with the resolution we have reached.


New member
had a similar problem with my 4006

I bought my 4006 in 92' and had a similar problem with the rear sight.
S&W surprised me by agreeing to pay a local Gun-smith (licensed by them as well) to replace the sights, so I had it sorted out in a matter of days, with no expense on my side.

I have to say that other than that I have had absolutely no problems ith it and it is my preferred ECD gun.

Rich Miranda

New member
MajorWhiteBoy, why did you start off the exchange so seriously?

I'm just curious since, to me, your initial email sounds like they had failed you many times:

"It is on you to save your name. I will tell everyone I know, everyone I talk to about guns or safety the exact outcome of this situation and your handling of a product that could be infinitely dangerous to those I love...and I am carrying a weapon from another manufacturer..."

Save their name? Give them a chance! Why the veiled threats right off the bat? Why mention that you've already gone with another manufacturer?

I'll be honest. If I were S&W, the tone of your email would make me want to tell you to go pound sand.

In my experience (and not just with guns) the best first contact should be pleasant, polite, and straightforward:

"Dear S&W: the sight fell off of my favorite gun, Model 123. I truly enjoy this gun and I ask that you please repair it under warranty. Please reply with instructions. I thank you for your help..."

Then, if you do not get satisfaction, you can move forward by upping the tone and rhetoric.

Just a few thoughts...


New member
Ooops, another typo, meant to type EDC

Hi Major,
Please forgive the typo,I meant to type EDC (Every Day Carry):eek:
But surely you have figured that out already.


New member
i kind of expected to get hosed. also, that's how serious i felt about it.

but, like i said, good or bad, i wanted folks to know how they handled it, and they helped me out.

also, it's not like i went off on some "you sold me a lump of crap" rant. i simply expressed to them my true feelings.
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