Smith and Wesson should bring back the Triple Lock

Smith and Wesson should start producing the Triple Lock again. Such a distinctive design, everyone should have one in their collection. Beat up used ones start around $2000, a mint one is much more. Modern CNC technology and MIM parts should make this feasible for a price of around $1000.



New member
ACTUALLY, there is no real need for a re-introduction of the vaunted " TRIPLE LOCK ". Even S&W admitted waaaaay back when it was a superfilous design feature. IT's as if the good Lord had put mammaries on a stud horse. Look at what they've done since with cartridges two to three times more powerful.
And so it goes...


The "ol tripster" as some of the "old hands" referred to them, won't be brought back anytime soon.

Best get one second hand. They're out there.

James K

Member In Memoriam
S&W probably spends more time and R&D than any other gun company on simplifying their older designs and trying to make them less expensive to manufacture, hopefully keeping prices down or at least from rising too much. So why would they re-introduce an expensive and unnecessary design feature from the past?

It is axiomatic in the firearms industry that when a company is reduced to making replicas of its own old models, it is close to time to turn out the lights and lock the doors. S&W is far too busy making real guns to start making antique toys.

Even S&W admitted waaaaay back when it was a superfilous design feature.
I wouldn't mind seeing a limited-run commemorative model, but the potential price makes me shudder.

Part of the appeal of the New Century is that it was an overengineered thing. It's got a certain sort of charm, but it's a product of its era.
Thanks Denis

I guess my smiley face was too subtle.

I was just making a little joke regarding the recent post about Colt reintroducing the Python. I thought the idea of reintroducing the Triple Lock would be outlandish enough that everybody would see it was a joke.

My mistake.

I don't need Smith to make it again. I am lucky enough to own two Triple Locks, a nickle plated one made in 1915...


And a refinished Target Model made in 1908.



Member Emeritus
Sometimes it takes a less subtle approach to get humor across here. :)

I thought it was quite obvious what you were doing.


New member
Well, I for one say that, if Colt can sponsor a remake of the 1903 .32 autos, then Smith & Wesson should do a remake of their .32 auto.:D

Actually, I wish Smith & Wesson would do a remake of the Model 45, WITHOUT the ILS, of course. Somehow, given the amount of K Frame revolvers they still make, I don't see where it would be all that far fetched.


New member
Of course they should! And the DA Perfected! And the old Ladysmith!

BTW, my tongue is only partially planted in my cheek. I would buy one of each if they did.

James K

Member In Memoriam
OK, OK, I missed the smiley. But there are so many posts about bringing back this or that (the Merwin, Hulbert, for gosh sakes!) that a triple lock could well be next. Actually, someone did/does make the old Ladysmith (Taurus or Rossi, I think),

I think Mike has a good idea; let's all push for a modern, stainless steel Volcanic. The antis would go nuts ranting that "military type rocket missiles have no place on our streets..."

I think Mike has a good idea; let's all push for a modern, stainless steel Volcanic. The antis would go nuts ranting that "military type rocket missiles have no place on our streets..."

Somebody did make up a Volcanic not too many years ago.

Here are two links, one to how he made the pistol, the second link is to how he made a rifle.;act=ST;f=3;t=22531;st=0

And here are two links to him loading and shooting the pistol.