Smith and Wesson Must Die!! (Brits Interview Schultz)


New member
I hate to see one of the oldest and finest American firearms manufacturers go out of business, but they did it to themselves. The worst part is that they stilll just don't get it. Here is an excerpt from the latest interview with Schultz. Even though the slant makes me sick, it's no surprise considering the interview was conducted by and written for the British Sheeple.

"Asked if he had any regrets about signing the pact, Shultz says NO (emphasis added) very clearly before adding: "It was the only reasonable alternative we had." His second line of defence is that the company had to change to deal with a changing society and new market dynamics. This has been hard for many gun owners to accept. Among the more blood-curdling complaints made via the net is one suggesting some of the new curbs would allow the Clinton administration to collect information about gun owners.

Shultz, a lifetime Republican who can hardly say the word Clinton without curling his lip, describes this as part of the "spin" disseminated by his opponents. He compares the new rules for gun distributors as akin to making sure someone can drive before giving them a car.

There has been "tremendous support from the public" for his stance, he says. "Here in the US, a significant percentage of the voting population agrees with us." He has even received supportive letters from the UK..."

Read the entire spin at:,4273,4049027,00.html

Note how the article downplays the agreement as if it were only about trigger locks and some "research" into smart gun tech. Also note how we (internet gunowners) are depicted as a paranoid lunatic fringe who are spreading "complaints" that the agreement would allow the government to collect information about gunowners. Did these guys read the agreement?? It very specifically give the oversight committee and the BATF unlimited access to dealers records without a warrant-- that's not paranoia, that's fact.

He also claims that there's tremendous support from the public? Say what?? Oh, you mean accolades from Million Moron Moms, HCI, Sarah Brady and their stooges in the media? Please. Wake up Schultz you idiot-- you have made a deal with the devil and cut your own throat at the same time. Have you ever read a book or watched a movie, like "Crossroads"?-- I guess not because you don't seem to know what happens to everyone who makes a deal with the devil. You have been dropped from only one lawsuit, Comarades Clinton and Cuomo have not come through with the promised favoritism in government contracts and your loyal consumers have deserted you.

Smith and Wesson must die. We must take them to task and make an example out of them. If we do not, we are lost!


New member
I smell....... BOYCOTT!

The Alcove

I twist the facts until they tell the truth. -Some intellectual sadist

The Bill of Rights is a document of brilliance, a document of wisdom, and it is the ultimate law, spoken or not, for the very concept of a society that holds liberty above the desire for ever greater power. -Me


You know, the more I hear Schultz speak, the less guilty I feel about what's happening to them. I just hope they go under quickly and somebody buys them, changes the name and continues to make their product ... "Wesson & Smith" -- a nice ring to it!

Jeff Thomas

New member
I agree. I've seen people dig their own 'graves' before, but Shultz seems to be excavating an open pit mine ...

My favorite portions of this story are:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"Our opponents are spinning us as somehow a British controlled company."[/quote] Well, let's see ... you're 100% owned by Tompkins, PLC, a British company. What part did I miss? ;) Shultz seems to be at his 'best' when he tries to make his opponents (especially American gun owners) out to be fools. I remember his comments a few months back about how we're a bunch of Neanderthals, in essence.


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>For while Shultz's decision to change the way he makes and sells guns has brought opprobrium from gun owners, it has only helped settle some of the lawsuits Tomkins faces. Many more, from states as well as individuals, are pending.[/quote] As I recall, very few of the lawsuits have been settled in this manner - Shultz has seen almost none of the benefits he expected.


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"In first world war terms, we are in no man's land being attacked by both sides," he said.[/quote] Well, Mr. Shultz, to continue your analogy, you are the fool who decided to abandon your allies, and stroll into no-man's land. You have only yourself to blame.


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Asked if he had any regrets about signing the pact, Shultz says no very clearly before adding: "It was the only reasonable alternative we had." His second line of defence is that the company had to change to deal with a changing society and new market dynamics.[/quote] So, he sold out in anticipation of avoiding lawsuits and becoming the preferred provider for government firearms ... but, neither of those benefits materialized. And, he felt the RKBA was an anachronism that had to be abandoned.

The man is simply saying what he has to in order to save face for himself and his company - he knows now that he has erred ... no question in my mind. They were placed in an impossible situation by a corrupt administration and an impotent Congress. But, their only proper choice would have been to fight the good fight as an ally with their industry, stick to principles and work to change public opinion.

Shultz and Smith & Wesson have made their decision, and so have many of us. Smith & Wesson must die. This is the only way honest American's can defy the Clinton administration's abuse of power, and at the same time strenghthen the resolve of the other gun manufacturers.

Smith & Wesson must die.

Regards from AZ

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited September 01, 2000).]


New member
Why don't we creat a corporation, and collect promisory notes from all the willing American Gun Owners to buy shares in S&W stock, and have an American Gun Company that's owned by American Gun Owners! It could easily be done... there stock is virtually worhtless right now....
PS: Oberkommando; The only reason we have guns that load on the high side is that the inventor, Sam Colt, was left handed!

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Uh, Menos....he's talking about the high side of velocity. "Handloaded" as in capable of using hot custom-loaded cartridges.