

New member
Does anyone have any feedback on this brand of products . They say they are designed in Europe ! Are they made in China ? Not bad looking stuff but the prices lead me to believe they are made in China . They don't say in their ads .


New member
They look like knockoffs of Redding, Lyman and RCBS gear. Just painted a different color.

Not sure of quality but why risk it? I'd just stick with the mainstream brands.

Berry's MfG

New member
They are all knock-offs to the point that their copies have the same casting flaws that are in the products that they copied. They directly copied our rotary media sifter and call it Swiss engineered. All of it is made in China.


New member
They directly copied our rotary media sifter and call it Swiss engineered. All of it is made in China.

Hahaha...I noticed that "their" powder dispenser was described as having been designed in Italy. The thing looks exactly like the RCBS one. That was my first clue that something was amiss, but when I saw the Redding powder trickler painted orange with their logo on it I knew they were full of it. :barf:

Berry's MfG

New member
I was exhibiting at the NASGW Show in Atlanta back in 2008 when they showed up with a booth right next to us with all the stuff they copied from the other vendors. I could not believe how the sales reps and wholesale companies cuddled up to them and told them how innovative they were. I as well as the other companies they copied could not believe the positive reception they were given. As a consumer I would promote that if you want an RCBS powder measure, then buy it from the company that designed and built it. As long as people are buying the knock-offs, those manufacturers will keep copying product.
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New member
It's funny that they sell a copy of the Lee auto prime for more than Lee does.

And the Engrish on the site is not up to the quality of the Swiss, even the ones that sell Chinese knock offs.