
Superintendent David Thweatt said a main concern was that the small community is a 30-minute drive from the sheriff’s office, leaving students and teachers without protection.

The district’s lone campus sits 500 feet from heavily trafficked U.S. 287, which could make it a target, Thweatt said.

Other security measures are in place, including one-way access to enter the school, state-of-the-art surveillance cameras and electric locks on doors. But after the Virginia Tech massacre and the Amish school shooting in Pennsylvania, Thweatt felt he had to take further action, he said.

"When the federal government started making schools gun-free zones, that’s when all of these shootings started," Thweatt said. "Why would you put it out there that a group of people can’t defend themselves? That’s like saying 'sic ’em’ to a dog."
Sounds like there's a good bit of common sense in Harrold, TX. Hope it's catching! :D


New member
I think its great, but don't think I could tread in those waters. I'm a college student in PA maybe 30 minutes away from where the Amish school shooting took place. I'm an Elementary Education major too. Even if this did spread I personally don't know that I would do it. I sit in class everyday and listen to horribly dumb law suits brought onto teachers and schools by parents, and could only imagine what an Anti-mother would do to protect her cubs. I no gun-free zone actually means free-kill zone to the nut jobs but in my mind I'm at a stalemate on what I would do.


New member
Way to go Texas!

I am a high school teacher at a very large inner city school district in NY...I would LOVE to be able to carry my S&W 28-2 at work. As a kid I remember seeing the exact same revolver in the holster of every NYS Trooper. Nothing says I mean business like a 4" N frame!


New member
That's a big step in the right direction. I think it will take a similar move by a major university or a major school district to make people take a real good look though. This is still very promising


New member
Read the story in my local paper earlier this week and applauded ... dog thot I was nuts ... I love Thweatt's quote; if only more school officials -- and idiot politicians -- could see the truth in his statement ... if you outlaw guns in your school, only outlaws will bring them ... seems clear to me ... maybe it will start a trend ..


New member
I just hope they do it right. They will be a target for the press and the antis in the event of the most minuscule incident, gun related or no. More training and red tape are required for any organization than for an individual acting on their own. Since they're acting as a group, I hope the training is extensive.

Frankly, this would be a good opportunity for one of our standout handgun trainers to step up and donate his/her time. It would be a good PR move on behalf of the pro-gun people and it would be good publicity for that trainer.


New member
10-4 Texas!!! Finally someone has brains AND balls.

My wife is a CCW permitted teacher in high school and would welcome it.

Two college kids would appreciate being allowed to carry there too. Since it is a state school they cannot carry in a state building naturally.


New member
Texas and Guns

:cool:Hopefully this spreads to other schools and colleges maybe we can prevent a tradgedy like the one we had not too long ago.


New member
well it may be a victory for all you gunslingers, but you have to take into account now the mental stability of some teachers under stress. Alot of people are teachers who really aren't fit to be in the first place.


It's not Switzerland. They didn't REQUIRE the teachers to carry.

I know this sounds odd, but, in 10 years of teachers lunch rooms and meetings, etc, it's become real clear that some teachers are willing to carry guns, some aren't.