Small pistol magnum primer question


New member
I've been looking into different recipes for .357 magnum load data and seen that a fair amount suggest magnum primers. To get to my question, I have a quantity of Tula/Wolf magnum primers, where the recipe calls for Federal 200. Would magnum primers of different manufacturers be somewhat interchangable?
I load my .357 mag rounds with a magnum primer even though it doesn't call for one. I started with Federal primers and switched to Tula when they ran out. It works just as well for me. My load is 10.2 grains of AA7 with a Montana Gold 158 grain JHP bullet.

The powder manufacture show a NOS JHP bullet using a Winchester magnum primer 9.5 to 10.5 grains of AA7 and Speer shows 10.5 to 11.7 of AA7 with a 158 grain JHP using a standard primer. You will notice you do use less powder with the magnum primer. I like the load with the magnum primer better so that is what I use. It burns pretty clean and is pretty accurate too. I shoot from a 4" barrel pistol. You will need to work up your load for your pistol to make certain it works for you.


New member
The only problem I have encountered when substituting mag primers is with target pistols with light action springs. I have put my favorite bullseye 14-3 up until supplies of components gets back to normal.

Mag primers have thicker cups.