small of the back holsters?


New member
i was just watching ncis la and noticed 2 of the agents use a small of the back holster. i would like to LIKE these holsters. they would seem to be fairly comfortable, they look like they coneal well at least while standing. not sure they would be comfortable sitting or driving. my concern is i would be paranoid of someone disarming me from behind. while it looks cool in the movies i just don't have eyes in the back of my head and i would hate to have the gun that is supposed to protect me used against me. does anyone cc this way? i am a strong side inside or outside the waistband kinda guy at this time myself.


New member
I have a Galco SOB for my Sig 220 and 226. I have to put the gun on the floor for ANY driving around. I mostly carry this way when going to a place where I will be doing a lot of standing and very little sitting. You also have to pay attention how you sit. You can't lean forward too much or you will print very badly!


New member
My concern about SOB holsters is the potential for a catastrophic lower back injury if you take a bad fall onto hard surface...



New member
SOB holsters conceal well until you bend at the waist. At that point, they don't conceal at all.

They also are pretty uncomfortable when driving or sitting.

I've got a couple IWB holsters that I carry SOB, but the more I use them, the more I'm convinced that SOB is great in theory, but has a lot of draw backs in practice.


New member
Agreed. I have a SOB holster and have used it on occasion. As Hknut stated, mostly when I'll be doing a lot of standing. Unless you are REALLY good at selecting your cover garments and being 100% aware of your movements while sitting, it is too easy to blow your cover. Driving and the potential for serious spinal injury are definately weak points in SOB carry. Not to mention the draw can be particulary dangerous unless done properly to ensure the muzzle doesnt cross your body line. I have an SOB holster but it sees very very little use. I prefer my Supertuck @ 330.


New member
I have a really nice SOB leather holster, been used once, will sell it to ya!
Absolutely the most uncomfortable,unconcealling carry mode I know!


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I too, use to worry about the spine injury with SOB carry. But I have been carring that way 2 to 3 times a year for 10 years and haven't fallen on my back yet so......:rolleyes:


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If you are in a business where you have to climb a 8 foot fence occasionally, and fall off occasionally, you would soon learn that SOB holster are a real danger.


New member
I carry my 3" 1911 in a Bianchi IWB SOB holster everyday, and have done so for a few years now. It conceals very well untill bending at the waist, but I have worn it for so long now, that I always kneel (instead of bending at the waist) and keep my back straight without even thinking about it. Driving around town, I keep it place, and just adjust it a little bit off center. For longer distances, I remove it and tuck under my thigh. I prefer the IWB SOB carry, because it does conceal quite well under most situations, and, at 5'8", and 145 lbs, trying to hide it anywhere else makes it stand out like a sore thumb.

As to the risk to back injury...........I am not saying it isn't possible, or that it hasn't happened, but I have yet to meet, or even talk to someone that has actually had an injury from falling on their weapon. I hear stories quite often about sombody that somebody else heard about that knows a guy that fell and hurt his back, but have yet to hear or see anything first hand. I am sure it is possible to injure your back that way, but my alternative to SOB carry is to leave the pistol at home.........and that aint gonna happen :)
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New member
It's good to see that SOB carry is not entired dead. I, for one, greatly appreciate Cranky's input. I'm 5'10" 175# and have a hard time concealing OWB. My SOB holster does conceal very well OWB while standing, walking, etc... I think my only problem is I haven't worn it long enough to be comforable with the sitting and those unforeseeable events one might encounter on any given day.


New member
I use a Kholster or ROG Holster. The ROG holster is MUCH easier to take on and off if you need to disarm for a courthouse, etc quite frequently in the day, while the Kholster is more comfortable for all-day wear. Both are pretty inexpensive options. however. I have a bad lower back (spinal fusion from back injury while deployed, don't recommend it :rolleyes:) and sitting in a car for long periods of time with a lower back holster aggravates my back a lot. Sitting in standard chairs working, etc doesn't.
In addition to the previous comments, the problem I have with SOB carry is the issue of re-holstering the weapon. For me, this would be the least desirable method of carry.


While I realize that every man is free to do as he chooses, of all the points on the human body to carry a handgun I can't think of a worse one than directly over your spinal cord.