small calibre


New member
I'm thinking of building a single shot rifle and was wondering if any one had an idea as regards a small cailibre, ie 204 Ruger or the like. Will be using it for 100yds woodchucks.
Have you considered the rim fire cartridges like 17HMR(I believe that's what its called).I would love the velocity and lack of recoil in that cartridge,or one like it for what your doing.Maybe that 204?
Even though I love 223 and its all I reload and shoot in my AR,I would ALSO enjoy using a smaller cartridge for lack of recoil.I love a rifle that doesn't move when firing(One reason my rifle is 14.5lbs).
I'm not sure about the cartridge being best for woodchucks or not.Not sure on that one


New member

A 17HMR is gonna be cheap to feed, compared to a 223...

Ought to be enough for chucks.

22 WMR would be a good choice too.




New member
Go with the 223 then purchase a chamber adapter in .22 or .22 mag. They cost $20 each. I have two of them for my bolt actions, have to shoot them as single shots when I plink with them in the .22 mode, but does allow me to sight them in cheaply, and if needed take small game!

Manufactured by MCA Sports
2800 west 33rd
anchorage, ak: 99517

The have a web site, which you can google!


New member
A 17HMR is gonna be cheap to feed, compared to a 223...


The 17HMR is WAAAYY to expensive for its power, the .223 may be more expensive but its almost 10 times more powerful than the 17 but not even 3x more expensive.


New member

How tough are the chucks in your neck of the woods? I think the long rim-fires are enough.

By your argument, 8x57 mauser is an even better idea!

The 17 and 22mag with a longish barrel can be shot without hearing protection and allow you to see where your shots hit.....




New member
I bought .22WMR and .223 from in bulk. I got 500 rnds of .22 WMR in Federal 30 grain hp for $70, and 1000 rnds of Wolf 62 grain hp for $130. That makes my .22 WMR $0.14 per round and my .223 $0.13 per round. I think the .223 will be cheaper than the 17 HMR any day if you buy bulk ammo in .223. I haven't seen much .17 HMR for under $8 a box of 50 rnds.


For out to 150 yards on an animal the size of a woodchuck, I would go with .22 hornet, or maybe a tad bigger, up to .223 remington, or somewhere in between (.221 rem fireball, .222 rem, .218 bee, etc.). .223 rem is more than enough power, laser flat to 150 or more, and cheaper to shoot. But for less noise & recoil, I'd look at .22 hornet or .218 bee. Or the .222 remington also as a possible alternative - it's a very accurate cartridge, and used to be extremely popular for varmints and benchrest shooting, prior to the creation and popularization of the .223 rem. The .222 has a longer neck which allows the bullets to be very stable/straight in the chamber when they hit the rifling, which aids in good accuracy. A .17 hmr or .22 mag rimfire would work, but it's arguably a tad on the light side for woodchuck. Going with anything bigger than .223 is pointless under 200 yards.


New member
I've been thinking about a .204 for some time now but haven't seen any at local gunshops and of course no reloading equip. (bullets) and limited reloading data. I can get all that online of course but until I see some more availability I'm going to wait. .223 sounds like it might be your best choice for cost and will do exactly what you want.


New member
I'd go with the .223, .22 Hornet, and .22WMR, in that descending order. Maybe even a .22LR loaded with CCI Stingers. I have no use whatsoever for any .17.


New member
chuck rifle

Why not a 22 hornet? If you handload, there are loads that push the pill quite a bit faster than was possible in days of yore, due to powders like lil'gun. The 218 Bee can exceed 3000 fps with a light 35-40 grain bullet. Should be plenty good for chucks at 100 yds. And the rimmed cases are taylor made for the single shot rifle. No recoil, quiet, efficient, and also nostalgic. Just my 2 cents.
Many loads at, if your interested.


New member
I don't know, guys. .223 is just the real-deal-sex-appeal. Cheap. Flat. Available. Gazillion factory loads. Probably never gonna have to say, "Oh crap! I should have had a little more power in that one." :( as the varmint hustles off to its hole with a wound that won't kill it for another couple of hours. All my other critter gitters end up as safe queens. That .204 is a shiny little round though. I haven't got one yet. I personally don't think the .22lr is good for killing anything bigger than a house cat.


New member
221 FIreball. The two I have owned have been super accurate. 17 Fireball I suspect would be the same. Remington is now shipping the 17's.
