Slugs through a full choke

nutty ned

New member
I am starting this thread to clear the air on this subject. It does and will not address what is best or possibly most accurate choke combination, as each shotgun will decide which choke is best for accuracy by pattering it with slugs.

Forum members have been asking which choke is best or can I shoot slugs through such and such choke.

They have been routinely getting bum scoup. People say you can't shoot slugs through a full choke or that if you do it will result in increased recoil.

This is absolutely not true, one can shoot foster slugs through full chokes and have no problems, as long as they have patterned them to see if they are accurate in their shotgun.

I submit the following example.
When I hunt squirrels during the deer season, I load a bird shot shell with slugs in the mag in case I bump into a deer. I mixed up the ammo and fired a mag slug at a squirrel. I could not believe I missed.

What does this mean to the topic subject? It means you can shoot slugs through a full choke and that the recoil is the same as any other shotgun shell of the same power class.


New member
Agreed the last box I bought said right on it can be fired through any standard choke except extra full or turkey chokes.


New member
Every shotgun I've ever owned with a full choke or interchangeable choke tubes warns not to fire slugs through a full choke.
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Even though 12 ga translates to 72 caliber the fact is that the slugs are designed ~69 caliber so they can be fired in full chokes with no incident. Otherwise we all would hear of the KB stories from the slugs.

Fast forward a bit and people developed even more stuff (extra-full, and interchangeable choke tubes) that will be damaged if slugs are shot through them.


New member
If you have any doubt, take a slug shell apart, drop the slug part down the bore and you will find that it will slide right down the bore of most every barrel and choke made.
Additionally, the "rifled" portion has NOTHING to so with spinning the slug. Great PR work though and a gullible public. The rifling could in NO way be affected by the air enough to spin the slug enough to guarantee accuracy. The rifled portion might help in centering the slug in the bore, and it definately give the slug somewhere to collapse at ANY choke constriction. This has been explained over and over and YET the MYTHS persist as far as the "rifled" lands or projections on a slug and folks keep swearing it is true.....


New member
Full choked slugs

If you shoot standard rifled slugs without a choke... you will get poor consistency... :barf:

A cylinder tube would be sloppy.

A full choke actually improves consistency in POI. :)


New member
I`ve always been under the impression that the riflings in the rifled slug was more of a 'gas check' then anything else. Keeping 'pressure`s' in check, if you will. Not much to do with spin out of a smooth bore.