Slug Accuracy Test w/ Mossberg 930 SPX; Brenneke KO Looks Like a Winner; Target Pix


New member
Today I tried out 6 different brands at 50 yards with my Mossberg 930 SPX:

Remington 7/8 oz high velocity
Brenneke KO
Brenneke HD Tactical
Federal Tru-Ball Low Recoil
Winchester Lite Low Recoil
Sellier & Bellot "special slug 28"

The Brenneke KO slugs were BY FAR the most accurate in my 930 SPX. As you can see in the picture below, they gave me a 3.6", 6.8 MOA 5 shot group at 50 yards. Nothing spectacular, but good enough for my purposes. I realize one 5 shot group does not an answer make, but I also shot a 3 shot group which measured 2" at 25 yards. Until I get some more of these KO's in, I figured I'd share my preliminary results.


The next closest were the Remington 7/8ths oz high velocity with an 8" group, in the next picture below.

Everything else had trouble staying on paper at all with my 12"x12" targets. Windage and Elevation were all over the map with the other brands. Just crazy wild. I didn't even bother saving the other 3 targets as they were off the paper with more than 1 shot. I'm not the best shooter in the world, but I know I'm not this bad! I can shoot 2 MOA with iron sights at 300 yards with a .308, so I'd like to think I'm not the problem with these inaccurate brands.

So barring one of the few brands left I have to try really jumping out, it looks like I have my answer! Brenneke KO's for me!

The Remington Hi-Velocities; The flash from this was Insane! I could feel grit hitting my face every time I fired these, and it stung a bit. There also appeared to be an 18" flame coming from the end of the barrel with each shot.....I don't know what these would be real useful for.

The Brenneke HD Tactical Low Recoil Slugs; Like all the low recoil ones it felt like shooting a .22lr, and I'm only exaggerating a little bit. Luckily all but the Winchester Lites cycles my action OK.


New member
I've also had good luck with Brenneke KO's in the various sight equipped smoothbore guns here. The Federal Tru-balls have done well for me as well.


New member
Yeah, oddly the federal low recoil tru-balls in this test only got on paper with 3 out of 5 shots at 50 yards, which is why I didn't bother posting the target. Maybe I should give the full velocities a try.


New member
Did you shoot the Brenneke's first by chance?

I ask this because 6 different brands of slugs, 5 rounds per brand = 30 rounds. 30 rounds of slugs in one sitting, especially from a bench, can be demanding to the shoulder. By the end of your testing you may have been flinching some. I say this as someone who's sent a lot of slugs and buckshot downrange and 30 rounds off a bench is more than I want to do in a sitting.

If this is the case (Brenneke's first) then I'd recommend a re-trial of the others with fewer rounds fired benched at a stretch if you're interested in re-evaluating them with a fresh shoulder.

That all being said, the Brenneke's look like they'll do nicely from you at 50.


New member
Dude, there has almost got to be some flaw in your testing. No slug should shoot that bad out of a slug gun at 50 yards! All of them should be on the paper, and not all over it. I think your barrel may be of some question here, and you may have been shooting the wrong slugs for your barrel. The KO's are the only slugs that shot even close to how they should have. I may be wrong, but I can't imagine 4 different brands of slugs shooting that bad. :confused::confused: Does anyone else see what I am talking about?


New member
Nope, I didn't shoot the Brennekes first. I shot Federal Tru-ball first and it was all over the place. 2nd I shot the Remingtons, then the Brennekes.

I doubt I was flinching. It was all slow fire, bench rest, focus on the target, squeeze the trigger. I even forgot to flip the safety off once, and didn't get a flinch out of it. The recoil on the 930 spx is not bad. As you can see even if I was flinching, the high velocity rems and the Brenneke HD's were in completely different areas. I wish every slug shot as well as the Brennekes, but they they simply don't out of my gun.

I'm not claiming this to be any kind of laboratory controlled experiment, and I certainly am going to shoot at least a few more dozen brennekes to verify. I also have a few more tru balls, federal hydra-shoks, and standard velocity winchesters that I will post targets up for eventually. I'm as mystified as ya'll are as to why the brenekkes shoot so much better. And no, I'm not getting any kick back from them.

The dot on the ghost ring for the 930 SPX is pretty big. At 50 yards it just about completely covers up the 6" circle. I just covered the shoot'n'c with the front sight and squeezed.


Staff In Memoriam
Catfish, I think you are reading extra unsolicited info into the initial post. He never said he had a rifled barrel and the slugs he mention are not designed for a rifled barrel.

As for "slug gun" even if it were a "slug barrel" it is likely the smooth bore but with rifle type sights.

it is widely accepted that not all slugs will perform the same from a particular gun.


New member
Just got back from shooting KOs out of my 11-87P (18.5), and was able to consistently hit the 12x12 steel target at 150 meters! They seem to be great slugs.