Sloppy moments while CCW


New member
I thought I would share a Oh Crap moment I had recently. I was out and about last weekend and just kind of tossed my J-frame in a pocket holster in a pair of dress pants and headed out. The front pockets were not particularly deep and the tip of the butt of the gun was sort visible if you stood right behind me and looked down. I did not give it much thought as I was not going anywhere where deep concealment was going to be a issue.

While I was driving past the local air base, I had 7 SUVs pull out behind me hauling trailers with SWAT emblazed on them, kind of something you dont see every day, they must have been training on the base. I drove for about 20 minutes and pulled in to a gas station and sure enough the SWAT guys pulled in right behind me and about 15 guys piled out and followed me into the store and proceded to stand behind me in line:eek:.

I bought my coffee and left without incident and I know I wasnt doing anything wrong, but man of all the times to get sloppy with carrying, gun felt like it wanted to pop out of my pocket the whole time. I need a better holster.


New member
I don't worry much about it. Open carry is legal for all lawful residents in my state anyway. A permit is needed to conceal.


New member
Sounds okay to me. There are probably thousands that are printing, but who pays attention? Even so, not a problem and no one will say anything. The invention of the cell-phone has made this the best distraction for any pocket carry.
I say: "Don't fret about it". I must admit carrying in the pocket w/o a holster, but I do make sure the pockets are deep enough...:)


You done good to put it in a holster. NEVER carry without one or carry "Mexican". Yup, you either need a better holster or pants with deeper pockets. A good holster is everything in carrying.


New member
If you where not breaking any laws why care. Should have started a conversation with them, they might have taken you along to the range some time.


New member
I almost loosed my Taurus from my IWB holster when getting into my mother's car once. She had stopped at a Wawa, I wasn't prepared for entering the passengers side of the car, and the center pillar caught on my gun grip. Fortunately, I felt the holster shift and snapped my elbow into place to keep the gun from clattering to the ground.

In the 6 months or so that I've been carrying daily, that was the first, and the only time I came close to losing my gun. I quickly revised my holster choice and location after that incident, and I've learned to be extra cautious entering or exiting a strange vehicle. This is also one of the only times I've nearly cursed in front of my mother. Luckily, I caught both the gun and my tongue in time - had I lost both, she likely would have put my sidearm to use in a hurry. Try explaining a motherly gun-grab to the cops.......


New member
Just out of curiosity, what are the implications of not having a CCW completely concealed? Is it just the possibility of scaring other citizens and raising the eyes of cops, or is it actually a crime to have a gun print or peek out from a pocket?


New member
A sloppy moment of a different sort

I got a cheap Uncle Mike's IWB (hey, it was ten bucks, I had to give it a shot), and was giving it a "field test" at the local supermarket. Sure enough, right there in the frozen food section, my M85 popped right out. I was able to catch it with my elbow just before it dropped, and ease it back in without anyone apparently noticing. That got the old ticker going though. That holster didn't even earn the honor of occupying the "second string" holster box. It went back to the store. Now I try out every new holster around the house first.


Just out of curiosity, what are the implications of not having a CCW completely concealed? Is it just the possibility of scaring other citizens and raising the eyes of cops, or is it actually a crime to have a gun print or peek out from a pocket?

Check your state's laws, it could be.


New member
My FL CCW instructor seemed to imply that printing was the same as brandishing. Haven't really researched it though.


New member
Years ago, two cops from my department went into a bank to barrow money to buy a boat for a joint comerical fishing project.

They were setting in front of the loan officer who obvously knew they were cops since she was going over their loan application including their work history.

They were off duty but carrying, So the pistol falls out of one of their pockets hitting the floor of the bank. Trying to to be noticed they kept taking their toe and pushing the gun and blame under each others chair. Finely the loan officer says 'FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, JUST PICK UP THE DAMN THING AND PUT IT AWAY"

The main problem was there was another off duty cop in the bank who saw the whole thing and ratted them out. They had to bring donuts to their next shift. No one would have noticed if when the owner dropped the gun, he would have just picked it up and put it away.

The point of the story is, **** HAPPENS. If you are legal, why loose sleep over the incident.


New member
I live in PA where open carry is legal so I don't really worry about it. One time I through a sweater on that i thought would cover up my PM-9 in its Galco holster and when i looked down, it did. However I noticed when walking that the sweater rode higher since i wasn't looking down* and the clip that holds onto my belt was showing, so anyone that carries probably knew that it wasn't my cell phone.


New member
I incorrectly installed a fingergrip buttplate on a mag once. Luckily I was at a friends house and not the mall. The buttplate fell to the ground and the spring was left dangling from my shirt.


New member
if I'm going somewhere that I am so concerned for my life I just open carry. Concealed scares me. When I wear a gun and people see it, they usually don't want to try to rob you... I have a ccw as I purchase a lot of guns it spares me $35 to the Brady act, but I rarely carry anyway. I love shooting so I go and shoot, I don't run around all day with 2-3 pounds of metal on me for that rarest of rare occurances unless I feel my life may be in danger which pretty much never:rolleyes:

Billy Sparks

New member
I think the problem with a gun printing or being seen, to me, is not so much that I might be in trouble nearly as much as what will those around me do. Example I am at the local WalMart and the soccer mom sees me carrying and calls the police. The least that can happen is I answer some questions and go on the worst is I get roughed up by the local PD and arrested. Whether or not I am breaking the law may or may not factor into what happens.