SLIP 2000 gun cleaner


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Some fellow at my gun club suggested that I use this. I have been using Hoppe's Elite and he said this was much better. I would like to hear from guys who have used this product.


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I use Slip 2000 products as well as Mil Com....both very good...but I have nothing but good to say about Slip. It works for me, so I use it often. :)


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I've been using slip 2000 EWL for many years. I used to use regular gun oil and a separate cleaner. I remember when I switched, the action on my gp100 slicked up so much, and working the slide on my XD 45 became equivalent to an org@$.... well, lets just say it was a lot slicker too!

If you read all the advertising, you'll be impressed with their claims. Also the operating temperatures are very impressive. I believe it is a superior product when compared to other non hazardous products like Balistol. I use it as my general purpose clean and lube. If I feel like I need something thicker for more protection I use the Slip 2000EWL grease. I also use it to clean inside the barrel, but every now and then I'll use something more aggressive and geared towards copper removal and fouling, like once every third cleaning or so.

I used regular slip for a while, then went to the EWL and I think its worth it. That's all I use on every single gun I own. I've actually given up on the single bottles and now I just buy a gallon at a time and refill the old spray/applicator bottles I have... it saves money and cleaning goes a bit faster because I use it a little more liberally.

Originally I bought the stuff because I was looking for the best lube available for my first AR. I was a bit paranoid about the DI system on an AR causing the gun to fail and I thought the only way to be sure would be to keep the gun clean and use the best lube.... well all my guns run great, they clean up great, they are smooth as silk, and I swear by the stuff. It might cost a little more but it simplifies things because it is a clp that works extremely well.

Now don't get me wrong. You'll still have to clean your gun, and the gun wont exactly wipe clean like they say, you'll still run into areas that need a brush or multiple q-tips to clean, but the stuff works great and I have yet to use anything better.


A side note: while they claim its non hazardous, I still feel like its best to keep it off your skin because it really does soak into your hands and you'll notice it even after washing your hands. I suggest buying a 100 pack of blue nitrile powder free disposable gloves to use when cleaning your guns. I would recommend using them no matter what cleaner or lube your using.
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New member
Works great as a carbon cleaner and a lube. I was surprised at how slick my GP100 felt after applying Slip 2000.

I wouldn't count on it to remove copper fouling though.


New member
I don't use Slip 2000 for cleaning.

I haven't found that it really cleans better than Hoppe's, and it's a lot more expensive.

I do; however, use it for lubrication. Lubrication is where Slip 2000 really shines.

So; to save a few pennies, I clean with Hoppe's and lubricate with Slip 2000. :D