Slide to frame fit


New member
I have a older model FEG Hi-power clone. The overall condition of the pistol is very nice but there is, what I consider, too much play between the slide and frame. Is there any way that this play can be reduced without causing damage to the pistol? Thanks.


New member
Have you shot it yet?

I have a similar pistol that rattles like a bag of marbles, and you can actually see the slide shift slightly when the sear lever engages. However, it shoots REALLY nice groups, and runs like a swiss watch.

I have very little experience working on Hi-Powers (I changed all the springs in my Israeli HP clone, and polished out some rough spots - that's it), but I would expect it is possible to swage the rails down similar to the way 1911's get done.

Claude Clay

New member
proper lock up of the barrel at the chamber and the muzzle, as the sights are on the slide, has more to do with accuracy than the frame fit. i'm with JNad.

Dixie Gunsmithing

Moderator Emeritus
The closest you can get it, is around 0.001" clearance on each side, or 0.002" overall. Any tighter, and I have found problems arising. You can mash the slide rails in with a vise or a fixture, then use a good lapping compound to free it up, and obtain the value, but that close of a fitting tolerance is only applicable for match pistols, as any grit or dirt may foul it in the field.

If it shoots great right now, I wouldn't tip it.