Slide notch peening


New member
I am getting some wear and peening at my slide notches. Is this ok to just ignore, or should I file the stop and bevel the leading edge a bit.

that slide stop must be some hard metal, hardly even has the blueing rubbed off.

this is a pic of someone elses slide, but mine is the same. 1911A1 btw. Military 1953 colt.


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New member
Is the gun displaying problems? Slide not locking back?

The gun was made in 1953 and if it's not having problems, I'd leave well enough alone.



New member
No problems with lock back or functioning...fired 550 rounds through it, no failures or problems.


New member
I have never seen a slide stop cut into a slide like that. It looks almost like there is upward pressure on the slide stop, causing it to stand up into the slide too far. Is the detent fitted properly?


New member
slide matches the frame...both are the same serial number.

btw, the pic is not of mine, it is of someones else gun that I found on the internet. From what I am finding, seems somewhat common and doesn't effect functioning.


New member
btw, my peening is not nearly as bad as the guys in the pic.

I took a small hobby file and lightly rounded the front edge of the slide stop. I will also begin to lubricate the stop and detent, that should help it from getting worse.

Harry Bonar

New member
Slide peening

Dear Shooter:
I've never seen that kind of peening. Something is amiss!
I sometimes with the slide stop pin in its lower position take a fine drill through the spring tube and make a small dimple in the slide stop pin - not enough to not allow the mag to lock it up when empty but to assure it not flipping around.
What brand of pistol is your 1911?
It looks soft!
Another thing you could do (you may have a sharp edge on the stop) would be to 3M wheel the radius on top of slide stop.
I'm not sure about this - but I've never seen this on a good 1911.
Harry B.


New member
The pic is not mine. It just shows the problem...mine is a sistema colt 1953...I have also read that this is somewhat common on military pistols...I did file the edge of the slide stop a bit (it did have a sharp edge) so that its leading edge is round, should solve the problem.