sks with ak mags

The Gooch

New member

I recently came across an sks that looks like it was factory made to take ak mags. The stock is kinda ugly, but it would be nice to use ak mags because they are cheap and easy to find and alot easier to insert. I am thinking of trading an unfired chineese SKS for the "ak" mag taking sks. Good idea or no? Does anyone have one of these rifles? If so is this trade worth it? Want some opinions before I go through with it.


The Gooch :confused:


New member
Absolutely, it is a good trade! I have a SKS-D (that's what they're called), and I love it. Around my area, an unfired Chinese SKS will fetch around $200 if the seller is lucky, whereas a SKS-D in excellent used condition will sell for $300 fairly easily. Only downside is the magwell is slightly oversized, so the AK mags will wobble slightly to and fro, but the piece is still reliable. IMO


New member
Go for it!!! That's a very decent trade.
Around these parts, it's called an "SKS Sporter". And it accepts all AK mags, from the 5 rounders to the 40 rounders.

My friend has one that he bought a few years ago at a gun show. It has the thumbhole stock, with a black patch on the front of the pistol grip. I guess it's there so you can get a better "purchase" on the weapon. It has been 100% reliable!!! I wish I had bought one when he did. I think he paid $150 for it, and that's when the regular SKS was selling for $89! :(

Buy it and enjoy! :)



New member

Hey, thanks to you, I'm at my 300th post!

The only way I know to tell is:

1) There is no fixed 10 or 20 round mag like a standard Russian, Chinese, or Romanian.

2) The "mag well" has a steel band that encompasses the entire circumference of the mag well.

3) You can stick an AK mag in the gun and it easily snaps into place.

4) It has the little paddle type mag release like other AKs.

Other than that, they look identical.:cool:


New member
I've got one of these, and my only complaint about it is that the mag well on mine is so tight that it can be a struggle getting an empty mag out and a full one back in. YMMV.

The Gooch

New member
bad deal

I went to make the deal today and the guy wanted almost 500 dollars for the thing, what a prick! Does anyone have one of these they wanna sell or trade?

The Gooch


New member
I own the para model. The AK mags are difficult to insert at first but with practice seat fine. It is a fun gun!:D