SKS Trigger Work?


New member
Hi all,
I love my SKS, like many on here seem to. It's been great and I just love the size and caliber. Anyone I bring shooting loves it. Well, except for one thing: the trigger. My SKS is a '74 Norinco. All the parts are matching and it's in great shape. But the trigger is very stagey. The resistance is uneven and the pull is long. Most people have no idea where the break is. If you pull up to the break and release, then pull again all the grit will be gone and it will be smooth.

It doesn't really affect my accuracy too badly and I'm realistic about what this weapon was meant to do. That said I've been popping steel plates at 200 yds with irons easily. I was wondering if anyone had any tips on what I might be able to do to smooth it out? Maybe even just a good cleaning?



New member

I don't know enough about SKS triggers... so , I'd rather let someone that does it for a living.

But ask him to leave the OEM springs in , the Wolf springs are lighter , and might not fire all those hard commie primers... it will never be a match trigger, but it will be smoother
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New member
my type 56 must have been either well broken in or just good luck in who was working the machinery that day but it's pretty decent. nice clean break, pretty uniform, no grit. Kivaari is the most highly recommended over at SKSboards, he has an entire forum dedicated over there.


New member
Ooops, and don't forget... it will take some time to get done. 6-8 weeks is normal.... but it will be worth it.


New member
my type 56 must have been either well broken in or just good luck in who was working the machinery that day but it's pretty decent. nice clean break, pretty uniform, no grit.

Yea I wish it was like that. I do love the rifle though regardless. Would just like to see it brought to its full potential.


New member Target Match.htm

I don't know enough about SKS triggers... so , I'd rather let someone that does it for a living.

But ask him to leave the OEM springs in , the Wolf springs are lighter , and might not fire all those hard commie primers... it will never be a match trigger, but it will be smoother

That guy has been doing it a while. The lighter springs might not fire hard primers, but I'd ask him when you inquire about getting the work done and see what he says.
For those just s.e. of Atlanta, you might watch the Youtube channel of "Iraqiveteran8888". You can drop by his business and ask him about this.

He has modified a number of SKS sears for a fixed price, and charges a similar amount, maybe less than Kivaari. I first read about this several months ago on his channel.


Several years ago, I had a couple of SKS trigger jobs done. They made things better but one of them developed a little problem that I didn't need in my life. Another shooter liked the problem and took it off my hands. Just be careful about tinkering with those old military triggers as they're tricky.


New member
I was about to mention Iraqveteran but someone beat me to it. He does have a video on YouTube showing you how to illuminate the creep in the trigger,


New member
I did trigger job on mine myself. It is a bit tricky but not bad. Most original triggers have long and negative engagement. That needs to be corrected for safety.



New member
I put the Murray's trigger, sear, and hammer in mine. Drop in parts that require no machining or "gunsmithing" and resulted in a much improved trigger and positive sear engagement.