sks stock removal


New member
How in the heck do yor get the stock off an SKS. There is a flat head screw with a funny nut on the other side of the stock that looks like it takes some type of special spanner wrench? Ive tried using a flathead screwdriver but can't budge the screw. I assume you have to take the funny nut off instead. How?
Don't remove the screw! It's not part of the disassembly process.

Behind the trigger guard is a little button with a small depression in it, about the size of a bullet tip (hint). With the safety in the ON/Up position, depress the button and pull away the triggerguard.

Heck, just do a web-search for SKS and DISASSEMBLY; you'll find places with all the pictures you could ask for, even a few video clips.


I tried taking my sks out of its stock. Gave up on that idea. The action is fitted so tight in there it's not worth the hassle unless your replacing a beat old nasty stock with something new. Probably would taking some screw-driver wedging to get mine out. My buddy says many SKS's are tightly fitted into the stock and are a bee-hatch to get out.


New member
I have NEVER met an SKS stock I couldnt pull. If it is a Yugoslavian with the customary slathering of cosmoline warm the stock/action with a blow dryer. Pull the trigger group as described above, set the rifle upside down across your lap-knee to knee. Give the point right where the trigger group goes into the stock a SOLID whack with the heel of your hand. It might take a couple whacks but if you get it good and warm it will come apart.
Leave the screw alone. That is what takes the recoil from the action and transfers it to the stock, similar to a recoil lug on a bolt gun.


New member
4thpointofcontact. thank you for info. As soon as I read it I thought, "wait a minute I've done this before". I went out and immediately removed the stock w/no problem. Years of hard drinkin' and bumps to the head take a toll on the ol memory.


New member
I see you figured it out, but for anyone else who finds this thread looking for advice...

as much as I love google, I think youtube is the answer this time! I learned from there, plenty of videos to watch to give you a thorough understanding before you dive into it.