SKS questions


New member
I've been thinking of picking up a SKS but I have afew questions.

Which nationality makes the best SKS? I read something a long time ago about a particular model that liked to fire in full auto if you put it down too hard. Is this true? If memory serves they said it was the Chinese version, so would this mean that the Norinco SKS is junk?

My second question is what a good price for a SKS would be. I know that it would depend on condition and country of origin, but I'm looking for a ballpark estimate.

I was told about when I was looking at one of those so I'm hoping someone's made one for the SKS...

Jack O'Conner

New member
In general terms, Russian carbines mfg'd in the 1950's have rec'd the best reviews. But they'll shoot tighter groups with USA made hunting ammo instead of el-cheapo commie surplus. WOLF commie ammo is reliable and quite fun to shoot but rare to shoot much tighter groups than 4 inches at 100 yards. In contrast, WINCHESTER SUPER X soft tip ammo will often group under 3 inches at same distance.

Many of the Chinese models have been critized for poor fit and lesser overall quality. Yet they are proven performers.

The Yugo models have rec'd varying comments from their owners. I do not think their shoot-ability is in question. Simply fit and finish details.

If the accurasy of your carbine is poor, simply trade it off for another. SKS carbines are plentiful and affordable.


New member
I have owned my 1952 Russian SKS for a few years now and have put a variety of ammo through it. Wolf, Rem., Winchester, Corbon and others.
The most accurate that my SKS likes is the 150 gain Corbon. It can achieve groups of two inches, open sights, at 100 yards. The Wolf is the second best. With the 154 grain, I get 2 to 3 inch groups. The rest of the American ammo is about the same with Winchester being the worst with 3 1/2 inch groups. I just mounted a 3x9x32 scope on it last week. With the Corbon ammo, I get consistant groups of not more than an inch. I have not tried the other ammo yet.


New member
I've owned several Yugos and the best of these is an unissued 59/66 thats a great shooter and quite accurate. I haven't shot it from a rest but I can consistantly hit clay targets at 50 yards. I've also owned a Chinese SKS that was a piece of junk. I couldn't consistatly hit a pie plat at 50 yards from a bend rest. IMHO the Yugos are a pretty good gun fof the $$$. Right now AIM has a special on shooter grade Yugos for $79.


New member
My Norinco was as accurate as my Yugos (4" 5-shot groups @ 100 yards with Wolf, 2"-2.5" five-shot groups with handloads). It was also a bit handier and lighter, so I've since sold the Yugos and kept the Norinco. I'm quite happy with it.


SKS is a great rifle, no matter what nationality it is. I have a Norinco that i wouldnt trade for all the tea in, well, china. The yugo models are usually in better condition since they have been stored for so long and are relativly new on the U.S. market. Some yugo's also have the grenade launching front end which I personally don't care for but you may like. The full-auto misfires you heard about must be what is known as "slam-fire". This is very rare and can be avoided by regular cleaning. I think the only reason that yugos are known as more accurate as norincos, is the fact that they are still mostly in unissued condition and the sights are still factory tuned. Norincos have been around for a while and usually are in used condition where the previous owner screwed with the sights to much. If you sight in an SKS for yourself, and get the irons where you need them, then you should have no problems in accuracy.


New member
If you can find a Norinco with the screwed on barrel get it. Excellent and accurate. Very accurate.

My pressed and pinned Chinese is 100% realiable a a good shooter but my Romanian is scarry accurate.


New member
To go contrary to popular opinion--get an issued Yugo 59/66. They look the coolest (IMO), are cheap, etc. Why Issued? Because, odds are, all the bugs have been worked out already. If you get the SKS you're getting a "shooter's" rifle, not a target/tackdriving rifle. So, "unissued" vs "tried-and-true" issued rifles--which would you rather pick, one which could crack the stock, not fit, etc (I've read reports of that on unissueds once they're fired), or one that goes "bang" every time? Just a thought.


New member
That's all good info. I'm looking for it to be a shooter, mainly target because I'm not much of a hunter. I really just like millitary surplus stuff.

Do all SKS's fit Ak-47 magazines or is it just the Norinco's?


New member
I was told only certain ones can take ak mags and if you can find them buy them :confused: as there getting rare.

Well thats what i was told.


New member
IIRC, it's only Norincos that take the AK mags. However, I've also heard that those are prone to jams. Personally, I like the looks and function of the 10-round integral mag (avoids that "detachable mag" issue, and it never jams!). To each their own.

Garand Guy

New member
Well, just to echo about every other person her, "BY ALL MEANS, SPEND A LITTLE EXTRA MONEY AND GET THE RUSSIAN MODEL!!! I have a Chinese model and have kicked myself every time I fire it for not buying the Russian that was right next to it. It was an extra $100, which brought the price up to a whoppin' $375, and I had the way and means to do it. (Keep in mind, it was October of 1998 when I bought it.)

Guess it serves me right for bein' so cheap :mad:


New member
Hey "Death From Afar"!

It's another SKS thread! :eek: :p :D

Russian, then Norinco with the threaded bbl, then the others.

Cause this is a free state, I get to have the bayonet :D

Best truck gun out there. Ugly to begin with, so the bumps, dents, scratches, and dings just add character.

Oh, how I miss the days of the $69 Norinco covered in cosmoline by the case on my dealer's floor right next to the 1400 round cases of chinese PS ball. :(

cracked butt

New member
I only have a yugo 59/66 and don't have anything I can think of to complain about it. Its a good shooting solid rifle.

I shot a friend's Norinco a few weeks ago and really liked it. It has a handier, lighter, even 'more fun' feel about than my Yugo. A college roommate of mine paid $70 for one about 13 years ago. I gave him crap for the commie crap he bought, but now I'm eating my words.

Doug S

New member
I've had a couple Yugos, a 1950 Russian, a Chinese Paratrooper with a pinned barrel, and a milsurp Chinese with a screwed barrel. I've liked them all. In fact the SKS has become my favorite rifle. Of the ones that I've owned, I've kept the Chinese. The Russian was beautiful, but unreliable for some reason. The Yugos were very nicely made, but a little longer and heavier than I wanted. They were reliable though. Both Chinese have been totally reliable, and a bit more handy than the others.