
New member
I am in the market for a rifle. :D I am interested in target shooting and the peace of mind in having a civil unrest SHTF rifle. I am in Florida and each hurricane season brings with it the possibility of this type scenario. I have a mossberg 500 12ga. I have been looking online at the SKS and the AK clones. They both are within my price range. Which would you get? Thank You.


New member
For myself I would get the AK clone. If you need something for potential hurricane-related civil disturbance scenarios it's a very good choice.


New member
I'd go with a good sks, I think that they're a bit more accurate and chances are you can't get a full auto ak.


New member
I'd go with a good sks, I think that they're a bit more accurate and chances are you can't get a full auto ak.


He specifically said an "AK clone", i.e. a semi-automatic Kalashnikov variant.


ill suggest a Norinco MAK-90. ive never had any problems with them, and think they have the best lookin stocks out of any AK.
The sks is the one I prefer. I find the AK to be clumsy and awkward feeling in general. The SKS is more ergonomic and you can get a good one for cheap. On the other hand, I hate cheap AK's.

If you really want an AK and don't want to pay much, get a Saiga.


New member
I have both, and prefer the SKS simply because it's more accurate. I like the AK, and 30 rd mags are nice. But I seriously doubt you'll need 30 rds on tap to guard your home from looters after a hurricane. A few SKS stripper clips and you're good to go.

I'd say SKS, and with the money saved over the AK, buy lots and lots of ammo, stripper clips, and range time. Better yet, get two SKS's for the price of that AK and have a backup or an extra gun to give to a spouse/friend/family member during any SHTF times.


New member
if your worried about possible S-hitting-T-F then deffinately look at an AK with 30 and 40 round removable clips or better yet a 75 or 100 round drum should suffice. i also have a mak90 but didn't like the feel of the original wood, a pick from someone who only has 1 AK but a half dozen SK's is the AK all the way.


Andrew S

New member
If you want a rifle with removable mags, a pistol grip, and high capacity get an AK. If you want a traditional stock and do not need high cap or detachable mags get the SKS. Thats all there is to it. Whatever you do just don't buy the SKS and try and turn it into an AK by adding aftermarket mags(which all suck btw) and swapping to a pistol grip stock. It just won't be an AK.

I like my SKS. I like that it only has a 10rd mag. Quick mag swaps are nice but definately are not a requirement for me.

I have thought about an AK but if I do get one it will be in 5.45x39 instead of the 7.62x39 so that I have another round to stock and I can just buy whatever is on sale or more available.


New member
A 160 dollar SKS is going to be much better in the fit/finish department than a 350 dollar AK. One thing I've noticed is that the SKS shoulders much more naturally (For me, that is) and is more comfortable and controllable during rapid fire.

The sks will also beat the AK for accuraccy (well, the traditional AK, siagas have a reputation for cheap accuraccy), and stripper clips will refil your 10rd magazine just as fast as changing mags in an AK.

I'd get the SKS, and a yugo or norinco at that.


New member
I would go with a folding stock AK. It takes up less room and can fit into smaller places when you need to stay in close and tight. But if you want to go cheaper and still get a good rifle the SKS is a fine gun.


New member
I own 3 sks's and they are very reliable and rugged weapons. The problem with buying an sks for a primary self defense weapon it this; these are surplus rifles, some of them have been abused. Do you want to trust your life to a weapon that may have a very questionable past?
If you can find an "unissued" sks I would say go for it. I don't find the fixed 10 round mag as a great handicapp, and the profile of the sks is less likely to draw attention to you from the police than an AK copy. If you can get one of the WASR-10 high caps AK's on sale, you might like it. I bought mine for $299 +tax a few years ago and found that its weapon is %100 reliable, despite the terrible fit and finish.


New member
I have a SKS as my home defense rifle. I don't feel the 10rnd mag is a big liability. A little practice , and you can charge one with a stripper clip real fast. I keep a couple of these within easy reach.A chest pak makes hauling about 200 rnds of reload real easy also. Remember that WWII was won by guys that had rifles that held only a measley 8 rnds, and i don't think they felt under ammoed. IMHO only.


New member
I think the AK clone is a better design for the purposes you are thinking of, because you can make it very compact with a folder stock and it has more firepower with the 30 round mags.

That said, I had a very poor experience with one of those cheapo Romanian AK variants from Century Arms, a WASR-10. I think this is the variant you are considering. I could never get it to feed reliably. Some people who got those are happy, but not me. They sure are cheap looking, and mine was junk.

Unissued SKS's should still be available from InterOrdnance. They have a good reputation and are $159 plus shipping, etc.

For an AK-type, I would go for one of the Yugos that J & G Sales and others are offering, however the price is around $100-150 higher than the Romanian. Money well spent in my opinion, but it depends on your budget.


New member
I don't trust SKS reliablilty. Personally, I think an AK gun is the way to go and as another member had mentioned, the Saiga is a really good deal. They're brand new, made in Russia, decent build quality, and actually pretty darn accurate. They come in .308, 7.62x39, or .223. I think 7.62 is the best choice and by adding a bullet guide, you can get them to use standard AK mags instead of the stock 10-round Saiga mags. If you do get an AK, don't get suckered into thinking that bigger mags are better. I have two 30-round mags that I nver use, they're just too big. 20 round mags are perfect for an AK, not too long, not too heavy.


New member
Re SKS or AK

Thanks for all the replys and great information. I put a deposit on a
ROMAINIAN AK , with original hardwood pistol grip stock, 2-30 Rd Mags, sling, cleaning kit, manual Etc.. It will be in next Tuesday.:D
I was told that I will be able to put a folding stock on it. Where are these available online? I can't wait to take this baby to the range!


New member
If you're going with a side folder, go with the wire-style and not the plastic one. It's more sturdy and doesn't have that goofy bulkhead-style adapter to it.